Chapter 7

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Before you continue let me bring someone else.

"Oh, who could that be." Asked a disciple.

You'll see.

A bright flash filled the room and after it settled down, there was a boy in the middle of the room dressed in dark green robes.

"Zizhen?" Asked Rulan, Jingyi, and Sizhui. How could they not recognize their friends with that expression of his?

"A-yuan? A-yi? A-ling?, is that you? OMG, I was so scared when I suddenly saw a bright light flash in front of me. Where are we, what are you guys doing here too?" He fired questions as he approached his friends, Rulan abandoned his parents and went to join Sizhui and Jingyi near his Dajiù as Zizhen headed there too.

Perfect! now your ducklings are all here Lan Ying.

"Why thank you." He said as he reached out his arm and patted all four of them.

Alright, let's continue.

"Continue? Continue what?" Asked Zizhen. "Don't worry we'll fill you in." Said Jingyi as they started explaining what was happening.


After eating, the Yunmeng trio freshened, changed their robes, and left the Inn with their disciples, but what they didn't know was that they left their invitation back at the Inn, being her mischievous self, Wuxian volunteered to go fetch it, much to her sibling's dismay. What they didn't know was that Wuxian wanted to galavant and indulge herself by buying two jars of the famous Gusu Emperor's Smile. She snuck into the Inn so she could avoid the greasy Jin who would for sure try to find an excuse for her to stay. When she found the invitation, she snuck out and did what her heart desired - buy Emperor's Smile, she changed her mind about how many she wanted though, she bought 8 jars, put 6 in her Qiankun pouch, and hid them in her robes, then she carried the remaining two so that even if they catch her with the alcohol, they'd think this was all she was carrying.

"Wow, why did I not think of that, I had to wait weeks to ever taste it again." pouted Lang Ying as he berated himself, the girl version of himself is even smarter than he is.

"Thank the Heavens you did not think of that, you would have been punished even more A-Xian," said Xichen as he patted the younger who was still pouting. He chuckled at his childishness.

However, what awaited her when she came back was an experience she'd never forget. She went to where her siblings said they'd wait for her but they weren't there so she proceeded on her own to the Recceses. When she got to the gate however she found it also empty, when she got in she felt a barrier break due to her presence, she panicked and quickly replaced it. 'Idiot why did you not check first before strutting in like you own the place, I bet they have already been alerted by you breaking their barrier now, gosh, I'll be punished on my first day, and the old man would for sure hate me now.' dramatically cried Wuxian in her head as she created a barrier, what she forgot though was that she created her own barrier and did not mend the one she broke.

Everyone in the room was entertained by the girl with the dramatic antics, she and their Wuxian really were the same person as that is how the real Wuxian would act in such a situation. Qiren was in awe of the girl, at such an age she could as well create her own barriers just like his nephew-in-law, he just hoped though that he would not be hard on the girl and take out his anger on the poor kid.

When she was done with her barrier, she quickly climbed the wall to sneak in before the patrolling disciples found her, but to her luck, she was stopped by someone as soon as one of her legs got inside.

"Entering after curfew is forbidden, go back and come in the morning to take punishment." said a deep baritone voice, Wuxian was not paying attention to her surroundings when the man caught her by surprise, the said voice thought felt familiar, maybe it's one of the disciples they found at the gate earlier, she turned to face her capturer, what met her was a shadow of a person with glowing golden eyes, the eye's intensity caught her by surprise that she slipped and fell backward, out of the Reccesses.

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