Chapter 23

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After Wangji and Ying's performance they all gathered around the buffet table, took what they wanted to snack on and went back to their seats. Nyx had not dismissed them so they figured she was looking for the next video to play, how "un-coordinated" everyone thought but not in a criticising way, they are now already used to the girl's clumsiness. She's much like their Lan-er-furen the juniors thought.

Jingyi, "Okay I have something to say and I don't want any criticism."
Everyone resumed eating as they waited for him to continue.

Jingyi, "So, since we've all been here, has anyone felt, I don't know, different, because I have. The more I get to see Nyx's world, the more I don't want to go back to our world. Sure our world will turn like this in the future and we all might get reborn in it but we might not be close like this.... wouldn't it be good to just spent a little more time here as a family before we go back. I want to have a lot of memories with you guys here before we are sent back."

Ying replied to him with teary eyes, "Oh A-Yi, that is so beautiful."

Sizhui and Wangji, "Mn."
They looked at each other, remembering that they being this similar is because they are actual father and son. Wangji patted Sizhui and Jingyi's head.

Xichen, "I am not opposed to that idea, in fact I'd love to stay here longer too. Wanyin, wouldn't it be beautiful if we had our wedding here before going home?"

Wanyin choked on his Tropical Margarita, a drink Nyx introduced him to and he'd taken quiet a liking to.

Wanyin, "I know this place is amazing and all but wouldn't you want to celebrate our wedding at our home?"

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Wanyin, "I know this place is amazing and all but wouldn't you want to celebrate our wedding at our home?"

Xichen, "Well we can have another wedding at home. Besides all our loved ones are here as well and here they have access to cameras and stuff, I want to go back home a picture of you all decked up. I bet you'll look so beautiful."

Wanyin, "A wedding here it is then."

Jingyi mumbled to himself, "Plan executed successfully." Zichen gave him a knowing look as he continued eating.

Nyx walked into the room, all refreshed and glowing, "Let's get back to it people."

Cangse, "Well well well, since we've all been here with you I bet I'd be right to say that this is the first time we've seen you this refreshed, what happened?"

Nyx, "I have been constipated for the past few days and let me tell you, I feel so good now that I got all that bad energy out of my system."

Cangse chuckled nervously, "Remind me never to ask next time."

Nyx, "I am kidding.... I haven't been sleeping well so I got an energy boost potion, it works miracles, hence why I look 10 years younger." She beamed at them.

"Anyways, let's go back to the videos."


Five minutes had passed and Wanyin was starting to worry, he knew that his princess drowning would never be the case so he thought maybe there weren't just water ghouls in the water. He was preparing to jump in when Wuxian creeped up behind him to give him a jump scare.

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