Chapter 24

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After Yanli and Zixuan saw what Jin Ling went through, they were so scared for their baby. Zixuan scolded the boy for his impulsive behaviour but Wanyin took the blame, he after all was the one who told Jin Ling to not come back without his prey.

It took Yanli a few days to be able to leave Jin Ling's side. She was so worried for the child that she could not bare for him to be out of her sight for even an hour. Jin Ling loved the attention though, he got to spend a lot of time with his mother, catching up on everything, even hearing stories about his uncles when they were young.

They Lan and Jiang families met after Yanli's mama bear mode switched off. They were planning Wanyin and Xichen's wedding. Wanyin wanted his and Ying's weddings to be on the same day so they opted to have a double wedding here and a double wedding back home. With Wanyin and Xichen going to take over the Yunmeng Jiang Sect and Wangji and Ying taking over the GusuLan Sect, the elder approved this notion as acceptable. Once the weddings back home are over, they will each take over their duties.

Xichen, "Wanyin, do you want a traditional wedding or a modern wedding?" He asked as he and his fiance were laying on their bed after a nap.

Wanyin, "Modern would not be a bad idea. I want to wear those clothes Nyx showed us. I think you would look good in a tuxedo." He proceeded to kiss Xichen's cheek. 

Xichen. "Well you'll look good no matter what you wear, but I prefer you naked, so i have easy access to every inch of your body, worshipping every spot i caress and kiss."

Wanyin turned away from Xichen, he took his fiance's arm and circled it around his waist, "If you are going to spout nonsense then just go back to sleep. I am tired."
Xichen chuckled and kissed Wanyin's nape before snuggling him to his chest. They took another nap, after all Wanyin has been awake since 2 AM. He was rather tied.

The following day Nyx brought them back to the reaction room again. Since they were now living separate and exploring Nyx's world on their own, they hardly saw each other so they used the chance to catch up before Nyx started the videos.

Nyx came after an hour so it was enough for them to have caught up on their daily lives.

Nyx, "Hey everyone."

Everyone greeted them back. Nyx looked at the bunch and frowned.

Ying, "What's wrong?"

Nyx, "Ever since you have been here I noticed something about you, your spiritual energy is draining, I did not understand what was wrong at first but now I do."

Wanyin and Wangji, "What is it?"  Wanyin, "Spit it out won't you?"

Nyx, "I used Yings energy to bring everyone here."

Cangse, "We all know that, what's the point?"

Nyx, "Well, all you been here has been absorbing his energy since then."

"WHHHHAAAAAAT???!!!!" Exclaimed everyone in the room.

Wangji coldly instructed Nyx, he did not care how she did it but he wanted no harm to come to his husband and their unborn child, "Fix this."

Nyx. "I intend to do so, but most of you would have to return back to your world, I might bring you back soon but I don't know when cause if i take you back now, time will continue, the days the others spend here will start to move according to your world."

"But I don't want to go yet!!!" Whined a few Nie and Jin disciples but were chastised by their sect leaders. After all the Lan sect's Second Madam's health is at risk so they can't be selfish.

Nyx, "This is a big deal, so I'll give you guys time to make your choice."

Mingjue, "No need, those that are needed crucially will stay behind, those that are not will return back and hopefully wait to be taken in again. That should be fine right?" He waited to an objection but it never came, he nodded in everyone's direction and looked back at Nyx.

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