Chapter 16

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They have all lost track of time and none seemed to mind, they were slowly starting to forget their reality as they enjoyed the wonders Nyx introduced them to.
Would she mind if they all stayed forever? Ofcourse not, in fact it's what she wished for, but her A-ying's well-being was her priority, if ever he was home sick, she'd drop everything and take him back home, with that being said, she removed the idea of keeping them forever.

Nyx, "Hy guys, are you all still enjoying yourselves?"

Mingjue, "Very Much."

Every couple were given a vacation spot of their choice, they have been there for two days but it had to be cut short as they had to react again, since time has paused in their world, they can leisurely enjoy themselves and when they go back it would be like they never left.
Nyx is the ruler of this Realm, so ofcourse she could speak with all of them wherever they are at the same time.

Ying, "How are my ducklings?"

Nyx, "They are all okay, in fact, you have gained a few more ducklings, at this rate, you might even start your own sect."

Ying, "You flatter... so, what brings you here? Is it time to react again?"

Nyx, "Yep, it's that time of the day."

Ying, "Alright, let me wake up Lan Zhan and we can go."
Wangji had been asleep all this time, in fact, he'd have been asleep almost the whole two days if Ying wasn't there to make sure he's fed and bathed.

Nyx's human form appeared in front of Ying and moved the Lan away, he bent down and touched Ying's stomach, discovering what she had expected, she hugged the other and jumped around in pure delight. Nyx was shorter than Ying so Ying was almost dragged around.

Nyx, "I thought I was imagining things, it really is true, am so happy for you both."

Ying got out of the hug and looked at the little girl perplexed.
Ying, "What do mean by that?"

Nyx, "You haven't noticed yet ... your pregnant!!"

Ying looked at the other as though she'd grown horns and a tail.
Ying, "That can't be right, how is that even possible."
If it was anyone else he'd have not believed them when they told him that, ofcourse he's not crazy, which man has ever given birth, but this was Nyx they were talking about, she wouldn't just make shit up... it means it actually has to be real.

Ying, "Lan... Lan Z-..... LAN ZHAN!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs that the poor Lan was startled awake. His daze did not last even a second as he saw his beloved hyperventilating.

Wangji, "A-ying what's wrong?"

Ying, "Lan Zhan my babies, they- ... they took them. My babies.... I... I  coul-... couldn't protect them, I didn't know. My babies!!!!."
Wangji managed to calm his husband down a little, as soon as Ying was calm, he took WangJis hand and put it over his belly, Wangji was confused but still let his husband do what he wished. He looked at his husband and immediately understood what he wanted, he let go of his tummy, took his wrist and gently send a wave of his spiritual energy towards his meridians. At first he thought there was something wrong with his husband's core but did not find anything so when he searched deeper, he found something else instead. He snapped his head to Nyx who was silently standing next to them.

Wangji, "It this?"

Nyx, "Yes. Congratulations, your going to be a father again."

Wangji asked confused, "Again??... what do you mean again???"

Nyx, "I'll explain it further but forst let me gather those who are involved. "

Wangji, "What's wrong with A-ying??"

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