Chapter 20

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This chapter is more like a filler, I haven't had time to properly sit down and write so I went with what came to mind, if it sucks.... my apologies 😅😅😅


After the others came back, Lan Ying was glad Nyx stopped him from going Bungee jumping with the others, he now knew it's true meaning, they literally had to throw themselves off from a very high cliff, their legs bound by a cable, hoping it doesn't snap and kill them. Shivers went down his spine as he just avoided his worst nightmare, jumping from a cliff. He might have done it before but now that memory had left an imprint on him, a never healing scar, much like dogs did.

Wanyin, "YOU WENCH!!!! WE'RE YOU TRYING TO KILL US OR SOMETHING!!!" Xichen calmed his beloved as Nyx laughed to her heart's content.

Nyx, "You all are just too pitiful, what we're you expecting, I literally said you'd be jumping.... BUNGEE JUMPING!!!...., what did you want to jump exactly??"

Jingyi, "Anything except what we just did now, you could have even left us alone in here if it bothered you having to keep us entertained.... that was not entertaining at all."

Nyx strolled to her seat, "It was for me.... alright back to business."

Sizhui, "Wait! A-niang had hi check up, how did it go?"

Lan Ying glowed with excitement, he was too thrilled to tell his family earlier but Nyx almost scared him to death, his family seeing that blinding smile couldn't help but unconsciously shift closer to him, smiling as they do.

Ying, "So... today A-zhan went to something called a Gyn-eco-logist... yeah that, she scanned my stomach and this came out.

 yeah that, she scanned my stomach and this came out

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Ying, "Apparently each black dot represents a baby.... so I am having twins Again!!!" He squealed with delight.

Everyone in the room shared his happiness as they congratulated him. He further explained what happened at the modern day healer's office, how she checked if he can safely carry the twins until full term, what to eat and so on.
Wen Qing has long since being entranced by the picture, not the twins but by the technology that was able to produce such a thing.... being able to see the twins before they were born.

Nyx let them celebrate peacefully then they continue with today's segment.

Wangji, "A-ying what's wrong."

Wuxian was fiddling with her thumbs, too scared to even look at her beloved, it's not easy for her to tell him.

Rouhan, "I think am lost, what's happening right now?"

Jingyi, Zichen and a few other new ducklings, "Yeah me too...."

Nyx, "You guys are really impossible..."

Wanyin, "Well are you gonna explain what's going on or should we guess?"

Nyx threw Wanyin a dirty look, 'Ever since he got here he's been fighting with me, what's his problem?'
"It's a continuation from the last segment, Wuxian went to tell Wangji about her Immortality before he finds out from anyone else."

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