Chapter 22

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Nyx, "Found the next clip, let's continue. "


They rented a boat and headed to Yunmeng, Yanli packed snacks enough for everyone so they enjoyed the snacks while discussing their plan of action.

Zixuan, "We are two days behind everyone else, our advantage is the clue from the Lan sect, we know that each sect carries a clue, how do we go about finding the next clue then?"

Wanyin, "Since we are from Yunmeng, finding the clue will be our priority."

Qiren, "He is not wrong, with how other me set thing out, he might have planned for each sect's disciple to be the one to deal with whatever their respective sects throw at them. This hunt tests each disciple's unique skills according to their own sect practises."

Fengmian, "I think it is only fair, that way, each disciple will be able to showcase their skills in an environment familiar to them."

Qingheng-Jun, "I agree, this way they all get to participate fairly."

Mianmian, "Woah!!! We know we might not be of any help but we still need to participate for the extra credits, we can't just sit back while you guys do all the work!!"

Wen Qing, "I don't see why not, the twin Jades were the one's to find the clue in their sect, why can't the Yunmeng trio get this one on their own?"

Mianmian, "Well I want in on the action too." She humped, she's not being unreasonable or anything, it just that she feels like she'll drag everyone down, being grouped with the best of the best takes a toll on her and she feels like she is undeserving of their hard work.

Ying, "Don't feel that way, no one things you are leaching off of us, we only want you and the others to be safe, Yunmeng trials are always brutal but we are used to them so we can't expect you guys to endure them with us."

Wanyin, "Hey they aren't that brutal, you are just lazy."

Ying hit his little brother with his flute again, 'Sometimes Jiang Cheng can be a dumb ass, can't he see I am trying to placate Mianmian.'

Mianmian chuckled, a little embarrassed but she and her other self are too in tune, she also felt as though her other self is leaching off the others, 'If they don't feel like I am leaching off of them then I guess it's okay.'

Wen Ning, "I suggest the Young masters from Yunmeng be the one's to find the clue too, my Dage found the clue on his own even though he's not a Lan, but he did not leave unscattered. These clues aren't meant to test only our brains and brawns, but also our decision-making skills."

Huaisang, "My A-Ning is so smart isn't he." He teased the younger as he nibbled on his ear, he couldn't help it, the other couples are care-free and being affectionate so why not them too.
This caused an uproar from the shippers, especially as they saw the blush decorating Wen Ning's cheeks and neck.

Huaisang, "True, in every group there are disciples from each sect, why do you think that happened, so each one can contribute equally. The Lans took care of their cold cave and we each take care of whatever our own sect throws at us."

Mianmian, "Oh I get it now." She blushed, embarrassed that the others have already understood so much whilst she's in the dark.

Wen Qing saw Mianmian's face fall so she scooched over next to her and distracted her with fruits. Mianmian took the distraction and indulged Wen Qing.

Madam Lan and Cangse cooed at the two girls, they do look good together, whilst Mianmian in the room blushed, Wen Qing did not mind, if her other self can get a chance of happiness then she'd be happy too. Her happiness in this universe lies with her little brothers.

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