Chapter 32

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"I am absent for one day and you all descend into chaos. Cannot believe I trusted you all to be civil." Complained Nyx as she entered the reaction room.

To be honest she did not go anywhere nor did she have anything important to accomplish, she just wanted to see how they'd react on their own. And she was dissapointed with a few of them.

Those who questioned her authority were sent back to their realm, besides, it was getting crowded anyways. She really did not need all of them and was slowly regretting her decision.

"It's very nice to have you back Nyx." Ying sent her his signature smile. Although she was dissapointed with some, she was very proud of Ying, Wangji and Nie Mingjue who handled the viewing quite well, 'Maybe I should leave things to them for a bit....nah, too much responsibility, the fact that they handled it once, it won't happen again.'

Nyx smiled back at Ying, patting the Quadruplets next to him, "Did you miss me?"

Quadruplets,  "Yes we did."

Ducklings, "We missed you so much, we have so many questions."

Nyx, "Note them down, I'll answer them after today's segment. "


Their cute little bubble was bursted when the one's on scout duty returned. Wangji had to go and talk to his brother, check if everything is safe for the others to move on.

He gently slid Wuxian off of him, somehow the fiesty little thing climbed and slept on top of him, he enjoyed every second of it though so he's not complaining.
After making sure Wuxian is properly tucked in, he went down to meet them.

Shipper, "Hanguang-Jun is really a bad husband-to-be, how could you leave when she looks so comfortable on top of you."

"Yeah, prioritize your wife first." Another criticized him, if they all knew how hard things were for him and how hard he'd be, they'd understand.

On their look out, the others have assessed the journey to the mounds to be safe so they came back to fetch them.

Wangji hesitated for a moment before he pulled his brother to the side, wanting to express his worries.

"He doesn't want to leave his wife alone, how cute."

Ying could agree as well, his husband is cute, although he had to disagree with the scouts, the journey to the mounds might seem safe from the outside, but it's very different inside the damned place.

Xichen, "Wangji what's wrong?"

Wangji fidgeted , "A-Ying is not ready to move yet. She is still sleeping, her spiritual energy needs time to recuperate."

Xichen smiled lovingly, hearing his brother being so open sometimes takes his breath away... just half the amount though, the rest is meant for his Wanyin, "I understand, why don't you stay here with her, we'll come back for you two once we have the orb. A-xian worked hard on getting the other orb and keeping everyone safe, she deserves to rest."

Everyone present agreed with Xichen, Wuxian does need the rest after all the effort she put into saving them. Pity they still need her help even when they try not to burden her.

Hesitation swept his features before a more resolute emotion finally settled, "I will go too. Maiden Jiang might be better at taking care of A-ying than me."

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