Chapter 31

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Chatter filled the room as the audience got in their seats, drinks and snacks ready for the day's viewing. It might be laborious to keep coming here instead of exploring the world they have been thrusted into but they enjoyed themselves so there were no complains. In fact, they spend a lot of time discovering the new world instead of doing what they were brought here to do so no one minded really.

The screen lit up, but for the first time and in a long while for the one's to visit here first, Nyx did not appear, and the screen had a massage for them.

"Would love to have been with you today but I have a very important errand to run, instead of missing the Burial Mounds Arc, I have decided to show you guys another filler video instead.
Ps. Don't even think of running away or saying anything bad about me, I have eyes and ears everywhere."

After reading the message the screen showed a count down from 50, to give them time so settle if they had not gotten already.

Someone, "That's it!? are we to react to anything if she's not here!?"

"I agree too, if we don't understand something, who's going to explain it to us then!?"

Just like Nyx predicted, a ruckus ensued in less than 5 minutes, a record really.

Mingjue, "All of you shut up and sit down!" He commanded.
"Had Nyx-Guaniang not explained already, what do you need her around for? Can you all not work without supervision?"

Being scolded by someone like Nie Mingjue is not nice, in fact it's terrifying. They quieted down, none wanting the wrath of the Chifeng-Zun directed to them.

Xichen added, with a hint of a chuckle, "Please refrain from causing another ruckus, as Nyx-Guaniang said, she has eyes and ears everywhere,  she might be observing us as we let's continue with the viewing please."

With Xichen's words, the screen lit up again, a video playing simultaneously.


The group reaches Yilling by 5 in the morning. Perfect for Wangji and Xichen who could not stay up at night because of their strict sleeping schedule.

Whilst the twin jades rested on the way tp Yilling, the eight remaining decided to split into two groups of five each, the first five rests while the remaining five kept watch, they no longer felt safe. Well a different kind of feeling really as the others were worried their competitors would catch up or were up ahead already and would try to sabotage them, while Wuxian worried that someone is watching them and means them harm.

Guanyao, "By now she must have already started figuring out what's happening right?" He asked, habituated to Nyx always answering their questions without fault.

He flushed with embarrassed once he remembered that the bubbly teenager was not with them.

Ying and Wangji had agreed to attending this viewing, in accordance that nothing would worry Wangji's pregnant husband too much.

Ying, "It's nice having someone to answer every little question that pops to mind isn't it?" His question directed to no one in particular.
"I think you are right Săozi, my other self might have a clue what is going on."

Guanyao did not respond to him, still awkward that the latter is openly conversing with him, after all that he put him through, he knows Ying is a man of his words and that he might truly have forgiven him but he thinks it's better to not be all up in his space, least he causes something again.

Ying understood though, not forcing much either, he's just here to enjoy the show. Nothing from that side can hurt him. He's been through worse.

Not telling the others about the resentment energy meant that she did not have time to tell her siblings as well. She did not want to worry them, especially when they are tired as well.

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