Chapter 18

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Nyx, "Welcome back everyone, today we are going to react to something very different, since we left off where Wuxian traps themselves and the Xuanwu in the dome, let's continue on from there.


Ying, "I think what other me did is the most safest thing, imagine if the Xuanwu gets to Caiyi before they could even deal with it, the deaths that would occur, she made a smart move."

Rouhan, "I agree, and most importantly, some of the disciples do not stand a chance."

At first they all thought that they were in one dome altogether with the Xuanwu but found out that another barrier separated them from it.

Wen Qing, "What the fuck do you think you are doing, let us out of here!!" She screeched, you might think she wanted to run away because she was scared but that was not it, she wanted to be out of the barrier to ensure her brothers' safety, Wen Xu is their clan's heir, if he die she'll be next in line and no way was she ever going to be Sect Leader, at the same Wen Chao's cultivation is too weak that she and Wen Xu both have to protect him and that would not be possible fighting a beast locked in a dome with it.

Wen Qing, "Good thing other you made another barrier A-xian, if we all died together then our deaths would be in vein as we would have not protected anyone."

Rouhan, "True, and can I say that I am very touched by how wonderful of a sister you are to my idiot sons, they seem to be good in the other universe."

Wen Ning, "Yes Jie, you se-seem to car-care for them a-a lot there." He flashed her a smile, its been a while since Wen Qing saw him smile that she hugged him. The others continued watching.

Wuxian, "Listen everyone, I'm very sorry to inconvenience you but I need your help, if we don't get rid of this creature today it may destroy Caiyi Town along with hundreds of people, which is why I locked ourselves in here with it, this barrier acts as a last resort if we fail to kill it, Xichen-ge, A-zhan, Gege and I will go in the other barrier to kill it, if we fail, it's up to you guys to finish it off or get help, the barrier doesn't cage you so you are free to leave."

Lan disciple, "But Second Maiden Jiang, what if something happens to the four of you while you are in there, shouldn't someone go ahead now and seek help incase we all fail to subdue it."

Xichen, "You make a great point, thank you for volunteering, hurry back to the sect to inform my father and uncle about the matter."

Lan disciple, "Thank you young master." The disciple left the dome and hurried back to the sect while the other's left in the dome started preparing, Wen Qing and Wen Xu were figgiting because they were scare for their little brother. She braced herself and spoke.

Qiren was very disappointed, the disciple in the room seeing himself in the screen running away bowed his head in shame.

Qinghenjun, "It cannot be helped, not all of us are brave in the face of death, at least he went to do something that will save the others in the long run." The disciple's friends cheered him on as he raised his head, he was so scared that he'd be punished.

Wen Qing, "Chaochao, I want you to also go back, it's not safe for you here, Ge and I won't be able to focus if you are in danger."

Ying cooed at the pet name Wen Qing used, of course such a cute sight made most of the shippers too cooe as well, who would have thought that Wen Chao would look adorable, it helps that he is such a nice person in the other universe, so nice he and Wen Ning were competing for the cinnamon roll position.

Wen Xu, "Mn, A-Qing is right, go back and wait for us at Caiyi, make sure to buy tasty snacks for us when we get back okay?!"
Wen Chao was already freaking out and hearing his siblings tell him to get to safety calmed him down but a new wave of fear rushed in his veins as his siblings were not going with him.

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