Chapter 30

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"Today's segment will be a little lengthy so let's get started." Nyx explained as she sat down and probed the video player, preparing the said segment.

"Popcorn, check."

"Drinks, check."

"Front row seats, check."

"Okay you can start now!" Cheered the juniors. Nyx cooed at their cuteness before starting the video.

Since they planned to go to Qishan in the morning, Wen Qing and Wen Ning convinced them to go by sunset. Wen Qing figured that since all the sects they have visited so far had their secrets revealed, they might as well reveal their own before going through hardships.

Rouhan, "Wise choice A-Qing. But I am curious though, what secrets- apart from the Yin Iron, Xuanwu and puppets- does the Wen Sect have that i did not know off?"

Qiren, "If you don't know, then how are we to know dumbass..." He kissed Rouhan's forehead as the older snuggled into his hold. The two's relationship had blossomed through out the days they have spend in the reaction room, you might even mistake them an old married couple.

Nyx, "Well all I can say is that something very interesting will happen, might even be thrilling for some of you."

Huaisang, "Why do you want us to go by sunset, we won't have enough time to go to the Mounds, we don't even know what awaits us there....this is a bad idea, we can't waste anymore time."

Mingjue, "Huaisang is right, them wasting more time will only cost them, plus they are still missing, the more they delay, the less chances of us finding them." Everyone who's family members were missing agreed wholeheartedly with him, after all, even if he's a Sect Leader, at the end of the day he's still an older brother who cares about his younger brother.

Wuxian, "Be honest A-sang, you just don't wanna take the exam don't you, which is why you are so adamant we finish first."

Huaisang, "Can you blame me, we nearly died several times, of course I want my efforts to not be in vain, I'll haunt all of you if I fail."

They all laughed at his antics, but what he said was true, everyone in his situation would also want to win because of the hell they have been facing so far.

Besides, for Huaisang, if skipping the exam is not an option, then passing will have to be his aim or else his brother will seriously kill him this time.

Mianmian, "Why haunt us...."

Xichen, "Mingjue-ge will kill him if he fails again." As he said that, Huaisang whimpered, fearing his impending doom.

Xichen chuckled as he consoled the boy, "Don't worry, Săozi will stand up for you, he adores you just as much as Dage does."

Jin Guanyao blushed when Xichen called him Săozi, he did not necessarily hate being called that but it still embarrassed him that he's the wife in his current relationship, -Not like he could Top Mingjue even if he tried.

They ended up going to Nightless city after sunset, by the time they reached the fortress, it was already dark, but after entering the said fortress, somehow, they were in broad daylight."

Wanyin, ""

The same question rang in everyone's head in the reaction room, how could such a phenomenal thing happen in Nightless city. Hey were all sure that such a thing never happened in their world, hence understanding why Nyx said that something interesting will happen. The Wen Sect in the other universe used the orb as their source of light....literally.

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