Chapter 10

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"Before you all continue, I want to give you a heads up.

Xichen: "Oh... what is it about Nxy-guniang?"

"From here on out, the story will follow some events of your timeliness but like I said, there is no War so don't panic too much if things get a little heated okay!

Everyone: "Okay."

"Right!! Then lets get back into it.

When Wuxian and Wanyin arrived at their Quarters, they saw Zixuan comforting a worried Yanli.

"Jiejie." Whined Wuxian as she approached her sister.

"Oh thank the Heavens!!" Sighed Yanli as she rushed to her little sister's side and hugged her.

Yanli: "Where have you been? I was so worried that we almost send a letter to A-niang." She  Scolded gently. Seeing her okay, Zixuan relax, he too was worried because his fiance has been crying for hours.
He approached the siblings.

"Wow Peacock, am impressed. You ain't that bad in the other world." Praised Lan Ying.

"I'll take that as a compliment. " Said Zixuan, it always warms his heart when his brother-in-law's compliment him in their own weird way, it brings them closer.

Zixuan: "Glad to see that your okay." He patted Wuxian's shoulder.

Wuxian: "Thank you for keeping my Jiejie company." She said formally and bowed to him.

Zixuan: "It's not a hassle really. I will excuse myself, see you tomorrow during class... Goodnight everyone, Night A-li." Zixuan left them alone, he couldn't help but smile fondly, he got to spend time with his betroth today, even if it was shorter than he wanted but he was happy that his beloved seeked comfort from him. 'Thank you Wuxian for giving me time with your sister even if it is accidentally. I will have to reward you.' He thought as he walked away.

Hearing Zixuan's thoughts, Wuxian snorted.
'Just because I left for a few hours you already have the guts to make a move on my sister. We'll see how you'll get another chance.'

Everyone just chuckled, They all knew that Wuxian is childish. Seeing things good so far they just sighed in relief. What Nyx told them earlier some where worried about it, they know that it can't get worse than the War but they all just wanted peace. If not they did not want to deal with anything major.

"Jiejie, Gege, I have something to tell you, let's get inside first." Wuxian told as she made her way into their room. She put a lock talisman and a silence talisman as she sat her siblings down. She wanted to tell her brother earlier but sensed someone's presence so she postponed it to now.

Wuxian: "Jie, Ge, I found an Immortal in a cave in the back mountains and she said she needs my help." She bombarded them with the info.
'There is no sugar-coatting this, it is what it is.'

Truth be told, no one can sugar-coat anything like this. Even Wuxian herself doesn't understand her powers yet and they are just maturing. Honesty in this situation is the best policy.

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