Chapter 40

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Nyx, "Is everyone ready?"

"READY!!!!" They all chanted as their eyes sparkled, hands already grabbing a handful of snacks to munch on.


"What the hell?" Wuxian cursed as she sat up, her soul essence had fully settled back into her body. She blinked a few times in shock as she scanned her surroundings, she was no longer in the Hanshi, she was back in the cave on Burial mounds once more.

"So all of that was a dream?" Cangse asked a little dissapointed.

Nyx, "Nope, but i won't explain, Baoshan will do so, so just keep watching."

Baoshan, "Did you have a good nap? Peaceful isn't it?" She taunted.

Wuxian, "What the fuck was that?"

Wangji, "Language." He scolded sweetly as he planted a kiss on Lan Ying's forehead, his husband basking in the attention, Wangji had been a bit closed off for a while after the segment where Wuxian saved everyone sacrificed herself so Wuxian was happy that he came around.

Baoshan rolled her eyes, questioning if her descendants will get more dumber the more their legacy lived on, "Your future."

Wuxian, "I am not that dumb okay, I know that already, but how?"

Baoshan sat down next to her, "Well, I can pry into the future. That is my gift,... unlike yours of controlling resentment to that mastery level."

They all "aaah-ed" at what Baoshan said, seemingly understanding what it meant. With every generation, the Sanrens gifts depend on the child and not parent. Every child of the Sanren family gets a unique power that identify them.

Wuxian flinched when Baoshan sat next to her but relaxed when the lady did nothing harmful.
"So our gifts differ each generation?" She inquired.

Baoshan nodded, "My parents had different gifts from mine, theirs parents too and so on, so it was only natural for A-Se to have gifts different from mine and pass on her genes to you."

Wuxian scowled at her, she was very interested in her ancestry and all but she did not want to hear it from the same person who tried to kill her a few hours ago... could be minutes, she doesnt know how long she was unconscious. Baoshan seeing this chided the girl, "Don't be so defensive, I can't fight anymore after using my soul essence to protect you. And by the way, your parents are dumb, they thought their souls were enough to put yours together, they shattered trying to put you together so I had to step in."

Lan Ying, "Is she always like this?" He directed the question to his mother.

"No... she's worse than that." Cangse chuckled. Those who misunderstand did not get the joke. Baoshan speaks her mind and doesn't sugar coat anything,  Cangse means that she's far worse in their world.

Wuxian, "W-wh-what? My parents souls shattered? When? Why?"

Baoshan, "Well yeah... when? An hour ago i think, I did my best but that's all i could salvage." She handed two quaikun pouches to Wuxian.

This scene took those who were at Yi City down a dark lane.

An hour ago

Cangse, "Changze, there is no time,if this continues on, A-ying's soul will dissipate." She called to her husband as she tried to pass on even more spiritual energy to her passed out daughter.

"I know, but we are both not strong enough... there is only one way... and she's not gonna like it." The tone Changze used conveyed to Cangse just what he meant. They had to give their souls to mend their daughter's, it's truly something Wuxian would not like at all.

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