chapter 28

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"Hello everyone." Nyx cheered as she walked into the room.

The cultivators looked at her with hungry expressions as they have been wrecking their brains to try and guess what they will be watching next.

Nyx, "I like the look on everyone's faces and the intensity in their eye, it means I'll get one hell of a show today."

She walked past them as they greeted her back and took their seats. Nyx took hers too, wanting to continue the video. Not much words were needed, even she was just as eager.

"A question before we continue." Jingyi asked, causing some to groan, annoyed he's delaying their entertainment. One that grumbled louder than the others was Sect Leader Yao, but no one wanted to acknowledge that, least he spoils the mood.

"Yes." Nyx answered expectantly.

Jingyi, "Well! Do we get to know what happened to them now, during or later today?"

Nyx, "Maybe later.. I'm not making any promises."

Jinyi, "Okay, that's all I needed to know..... continue please."


Wanyin, 'Why is it so dark in here....where are my sisters...A-Huan and the others....My head...' He groaned as he got up.

Opening his eyes he blinked and rubbed them a couple of times, he blinked multiple times more until he was sure that he did not go blind, but was instead submerged in darkness.

New duckling, "Not a good first impression this video is giving."

New duckling 2, "Same, I am getting a feeling that were gonna be on our toes today."

Zichen, "And I'll chop off said toes if you don't shut up."

Everyone was indeed intrigued from right at the beginning, they were eager to know if the disciples they themselves notice that a lot of time has passed since they fell under the Carp Tower or if they know where they are. They are mostly interested to know what they'll encounter down there.

Immediately he tried to light a palm torch to illuminate where he was but found out that he had no spiritual energy. Well to be exact, his meridians were sealed. He tried to make out where he was by feeling around and finally he could, he found himself in a passageway, one of many that is.

Qiren, "What is this weird place?"

Nyx, "This is merely one of the traps that lead to the real treasury of the Jin Sect."

Zixuan asked confused, "The real treasury... isn't the one upto the real one?"

Nyx, "Nope... it's a decoy, more like a really strong, undetectable and effective illusion talisman was placed in that room to take away the attention from the real one."

Zixuan, "I guess I was unaware of a lot of things."

Guanyao, "Me too." He added. Guanyao prided himself to knowing the ins and outs of every sect, now he's not so sure. Ever since they have been here he's learned information he never had before.

Wanyin, "A-jie... Yingying.... where are you?" He called out. Never expecting to get an answer so quickly, he tripped when he heard their voices close by.

Wanyin in the room breathed out a sign of relief as his sisters are safe too. Well as everyone is safe, his sisters are his and for most priority.

Wuxian, "Gege is that you? Where is Jiejie and Lan Zhan? I can't find anyone?" She called back. Distress seaping out of her.

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