Chapter 27

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"Mom look! look! the screen is on!" called a little girl as she bounced on her mother's lap. After the last Viewing Nyx did not allow them to go outside so they have been awarded accommodation and food in one building. Currently they were now eating lunch.

"Yes little one." said Nyx as she appeared out of nowhere and booped her nose. "Hello everyone, I trust you had a pleasant stay, well it's time to react again so let's prepare and begin."

She gave them time to gather their meals and return to their seats before starting the video.


The two took their time making out, so much so that the others had already had something to eat and left the Inn to explore Qinghe, they were still ahead of the others so they did not plan to go anywhere just yet, maybe they might head out tomorrow but now they wanted to enjoy themselves. They left a message for Wen Qing and Mianmian so they can regroup later in the evening. They already booked rooms in the Inn so they'll have dinner there too and use that chance to plan their travels to Carp Tower.

Most of the mothers covered their children's eyes to prevent them from seeing the sight the screen blessed them with. The Juniors blushed. In the entirety of the cultivation world, female couples are rare, much so they did not have a label for them that they called them cut-sleeves as well.

Ying and Wangji explored the marketplace, Wanyin, Xichen, Yanli and Zixuan went on a boat ride while Huaisang went to show Wen Ning his home, particularly his room but we will not snoop into their private life, Huaisang is a big boy and can take care of himself very well. Unless is Mingjue who is butting in, then Wen Ning is in deep shit.

Wen Ning blushed furiously as the crowd clapped, laughing at his reaction. Everyone knew what Nyx was enunciating so they did not need the full details.

After their little timeout, they regrouped back at the Inn, finding Wen Qing and Mianmian already waiting for them. They ate and went to sleep, they had booked five rooms, each couple would share but because Wanyin is a strict brother who does not wish to be an uncle yet, he prompted Yanli and Wuxian to share a room while their fiancés shared a room, he of course will share with his fiancé while Wen Ning will share with his boyfriend, Mianmian will enjoy Wen Qing's company. They were fine with their significant others, after all they can't get pregnant so a little bit of fun would not hurt them.

"So not fair!" Grumbled Zixuan as he hugged his wife. Yanli laughed at his reaction.

Wanyin was proud of what is other self did, he agreed fully with his logic. How can he be an Uncle at such a young age. But then again it wasn't like he was any older in his universe when he became an uncle. He looked at the sneaky devil called Jin Zixuan, planning to have his revenge after the video was over.

Wuxian and Yanli left for their room hand in hand, planning on having a little bit of girl's night since they are paired together, Zixuan on the other hand grumbled angrily the entire night, wanting to have his fiancé by his side, after all he and Yanli are old enough to make their own decisions.

The room erupted in light chuckles. 'What a man!' thought a few females.

Zixuan buried his face in Yanli's shoulder as she too laughed at him. He felt like he'd die of embarrassment. His thoughts are meant only for himself.

The next morning they all met downstairs for breakfast, they booked a private room to discuss their plans. Ying said this way it made things feel more serious, like they were in charge of a big assignment, everyone indulged her.

Xichen, "So, which sect is next on the list?"

Zixuan, "Mine. Will probably be the easiest so I am confident we'll be done just as quick. After all, only three days left till the hunt ends."

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