Chapter 12

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Happy New Year My fine people 🥳🥳🥳

Sorry for the late update, my holidays were crazy, I decided to cut my haitus short so I can post this chapter.

Now that I am back i'll be updating frequently.

Rouhan, "Qiren... I know it's all of a sudden and we agreed to take it baby steps but, every moment I spend with you here, l feel like it's a dream and I'd wake up soon... in the afterlife, but I don't care, I don't want to wake up... I want... I want to stay with you like how we are now.... so I want to ask you something..."

Qiren was overwhelmed by the heartfelt confession that he couldn't get enough of his senior's  declaration, he tentatively asked, "Ask what?"

Rouhan, "After this is over, and we go back to our world, do you think we can continue being like this with each other... Can I court you?"

Qiren, "I mean yes, or where you thinking I was just living in the moment, I wouldn't have opened my heart to you if this was temporarily. I want you all to myself for all eternity this time. And if you hurt me again, I will let my nephew's skin you alive while I deliver the final blow...
'That is so sexy.... I mea- *looks at Qiren*.... is sexy' thought Rouhan.

Seeing that weird twinkle in his eyes again, Qiren knew his senior was up to no good. He chided him immediately, "Stop your perverted mind, you aren't having me yet... you have 29 years of tears to compensate for before I allow you to touch me."

Rouhan, "All of it! A-ren don't be cruel to me.... at least let me kiss you just this once for my heartfelt  declaration."

Qiren blushed and slowly nodded his head, and taking this as his only chance to change his beloved's mind, Rouhan took his change with both arms and fully made out with Qiren.

Two hours later

After their make out session, they went to the others to get a meal, it's been a few days since Nyx appeared infront of them, neither did she say why they stopped seeing their other lives nor why the sudden dissapearance.... which is rude by the way.

When they met with the others, they ate heartily....the Lan juniors thanking their Lan-er-furen for getting the "No speech while eating rule" removed.

Suddenly... Nyx's voice boomed in the room.... startling a few.

Hey guys, how have you been.

Lan Ying, "Better, relaxed... we got to talk to our loved ones over the days here and I can say, it's like we have never been apart from each other.... thank you very much Nyx, I truly appreciate it."

You are worth so much more than what I just did. But if this makes you happy, then I am over-joyed.

Lan Ying gave a blinding smile to Nyx.

Alright.... how about we continue where we left off.

Wanyin: "For a second there I thought you'd never ask, I am tired of the dog food I have been fed." *Intense eye roll*

'Why did I hesitate so much, I practically spent days with him here and I still couldn't confess to him.....*sigh* .... I fell hopeless, maybe A-xian can help me ' Thought Xichen.

Will you stop being so dramatic Wanyin, alright let's get it.

Wangji and Wuxian walked to Caiyi Town, getting to know each other. Caiyi Town was indeed lovely, vendors and seller were selling and talking to buyers or other sellers arguing with gentle voices, they were speaking in "Gusu dialect". Gusu dialect actually sounds soft.

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