Chapter 15

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Wanyin and Xichen hit it off pretty well on their date, so well that they where practically glued to the hip. Ofcourse this includes the level of shamelessness Wangji and Ying would display everyday, Like smoothing in front of their family members. Madam Yu and Jiang Fengmian had no say in their son's life, whether they approve or not was not up to them anymore, but they gave them their blessings still. Madam Lan and Qingheng Jun were overjoyed, their son finally had someone for himself.

Madam Yu, "You both are sect leaders, how do you plan to live now that you both will get married, who will move to who's sect?"

Xichen looked at his little brother with a pleasing look, "Wangji, Didi, I love you very much, but please allow me to be selfish just this once. Can both you and A-xian take over?"

Wangji and Ying looked at each other,  they were expecting this and had already prepared themselves for the new positions.
"Xiongzhang needn’t worry, A-ying and I have already prepared everything, whenever you are ready you can step down."

Xichen and Wanyin where overjoyed, Xichen and Wanyin hugged their brother's respectively and then switched to their now in-laws. Xichen hugged Wuxian, while Wangji and Wanyin bowed to each other.

Xichen, "Since you both are ready, then can I immediately step down when we get home, Wanyin and I wanted to ask you guys if you are willing to share your big day and have a double wedding."

Ying, "A DOUBLE WEDDING!!!! WE'D LOVE TOO, SHIJIE DID YOU HEAR, CHENGCHENG AND I WILL HAVE A DOUBLE WEDDING!!!"  Ying was so exited that he scared the disciples with his loud cheering. The disciples and the others all congratulated the couples.

Nyx, "I hate to disturb such a joyous occasion but it's time to react."

Yanli, "It's not a bother Nyx, we can celebrate more later, and leave the couples to their own private celebrations."

Ying and Wanyin blushed at what their sister meant, Wangji and Xichen smirked devilishly at each other before possesively hugging their beloved's waists and pulled them closer to themselves, making the younger's blush excessively.

Nyx, "Ofcourse, well then let's get into it."


The next morning every student were informed that the lessons would be canceled for two days. Wuxian ofcourse was delighted, she wanted to go out on a date with her A-Zhan so this was perfect. Surprisingly she woke up at 5am, she sat in bed daydreaming about her wedding and marital life with her er-gege until her sister interrupted her thoughts.

HuaiSang, "Wei-xiong, other you is so whipped, Wangji-xiong is so lucky." Although he said it so casually, to Wangji it felt like a threat, he looked at the man but HuaiSang had already covered half his face with his fan.
Wen Ning also did not like the way HuaiSang is getting possessive of his Master so he opted to make his own move to get him out of the way.

With a knowing smile, Yanli went to Wuxian's closet and pulled out one of her best gowns.
"If you wear your lucky charm today on your date with Lan-er-gonzhi, he'll definitely start thinking of courting you before anyone else catches your eye."

Wuxian, "Even if I were to wear rags, Lan Zhan would still want to court me. He doesn't know it yet but he is going to marry me...*possesively* only me."
Yanli smiled at her possessiveness and patted her head.
'He'd taste Zidian's sharp bite if not. Mother would make sure of that, no one hurts our little princess.'

Zixuan felt a tingling sensation down his back, a blush lovingly decorated his cheeks, he got turned on by his wife's psychotic side, 'Guess I did fall for a mini-version of mom. She and her are tenacious and would kill for their loved one's.'

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