Chapter 6: Ward

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Luo Zhi had a long dream.

In the dream, he was probably only five or six years old, or even a little younger.

The little girl in the swaddling clothes is obedient and soft, she stretches out her hand babblingly, and smiles at him with crooked eyebrows.

His parents were preparing a birthday present for him, and when they were ready, they hid them mysteriously, teasing him with a smile, deliberately watching him fidgeting in a hurry.

The eldest brother was sitting by the window reading a book. He was so noisy that he put down the book with a sigh and got up, carrying him on his shoulders.

He sat on his eldest brother's shoulder, and finally found his birthday present on the top of the bookcase. He was elated and proud, and couldn't wait to pull off the ribbon tied on the outside of the wrapping paper.

At the same time as the beautiful ribbon was pulled out, a burning pain suddenly swept across Luo Zhi's back.

It's like being cramped.

Of course Luo Zhi never got cramps.

He is not the jewel in the palm of Chen Tang Pass who made the Dragon King of the East China Sea furious to cover the sky and cover the sun with revenge, nor is he the third prince who cut the flesh for his mother, eviscerated the bones for his father, and never had anything to do with him.

If a person is really forced to pull out his bones naked and pay off all his life’s blessings, there is no lotus incarnation that can be used for resurrection.

If it can't be resurrected, it can only be dead.

From then on, I don't know anything, I don't have to know anything, I owe each other, and I'm relaxed and clean.

These are all myths. Myths are legends with strong beliefs and pursuits, not true.

Just like in this dream, Luo Zhi was not real either.

He didn't know when he was out of his original perspective and continued to watch this scene somewhere in the air.

It turned out that the severe pain was caused by the zipper on his back being unzipped, and Jian Huaiyi came out and took the carefully prepared gift. It turned out that the time was no longer a child, Luo Jun's brows were indifferent and sharp, and Luo Cheng was already slim, no longer a little girl who only followed behind him and cried.

Like a doll suit that was taken off, he lay down empty-hearted, calmly watched everything in front of him, and was kicked away by someone in disgust.

As soon as the screen turned, the person squatting in front of him became Ren Chenbai.

After all, it was just a dream, and everyone in the dream was strange, even Ren Chenbai.

Ren Chenbai just looked down at him.

Those eyes that were very gentle towards everyone became cold.

It's not the indifference that naturally rejects people thousands of miles away, like Luo Jun's, but the kind of chill that "how can you live in peace and live" only for him.

The last time Luo Zhi saw this chill, it was still in Mrs. Luo's eyes.

Mrs. Luo fell ill and was confused and couldn't recognize anyone. She stared at him like her most hated enemy, tore Luo Zhi's clothes, and asked Luo Zhi to return her son.

Mrs. Luo refused to recognize Luo Zhi as her son, which became more and more obvious the more sick she got.

Mrs. Luo firmly believed that Luo Zhi was the devil who occupied his son's identity. Because Luo Zhi couldn't remember what he liked to eat when he was a child, or what hobbies he had when he was a child, Mrs. Luo always believed that he was fake.

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