Chapter 16: armor

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Luo Zhi's good mood remained until the moment he left the room and got off the elevator to the hotel lobby.

Seeing the figure sitting in the distance, Luo Zhi stopped.

Luo Zhi didn't pause, turned around and wanted to go back to the elevator.

It's a pity that the people in the lobby have obviously been paying attention to the movement here. When they saw him appear, they immediately got up and walked over quickly.

When the elevator door was closed and opened, the girl had stopped in front of him: "Second brother!"

Luo Zhi pressed the elevator up button with one hand and frowned slightly.

His memory has been blank for a long time, but his body still responds to this too unfamiliar and ancient name. Even if I couldn't hear Luo Cheng's voice, just seeing that mouth shape, there was still a hidden stinging pain rushing up my back before consciousness.

The elevator door slowly opened behind Luo Cheng.

Luo Zhi lowered his gaze, raised his hand and lowered the brim of his hat.

He said apologetically in a low voice, intending to walk a few steps into the elevator, but suddenly Luo Cheng hugged his arm.

"Second brother." Luo Cheng looked up at him and pursed his lips, "Are you still mad at me?"

Luo Zhi's physical strength is not enough to draw out the dragged arm. He tried several times, but could only stop and watch the girl's mouth quietly.

Some vague and fragmented chaotic pictures vaguely surfaced in his mind, but they couldn't form a continuous fragment after all.

So Luo Zhi had to ask her, "Why am I mad at you?"

After he asked this sentence, Luo Orange's expression was obviously flustered and stagnant for a moment.

That bright face could hardly hold a smile, Luo Orange twisted the corner of his clothes, and lowered his head to hide his guilty conscience.

She took this as Luo Zhi's ridicule and questioning of her, and her instinctual panic lingered for a moment, soaking up the resentment and resistance that had been suppressed by force, and soon it became unreasonable embarrassment.

... She knew that Luo Zhi must have hated her.

Because I hated the things she had done before, I deliberately forced her with this kind of question and embarrassed her in public.

She really shouldn't have left without saying anything after finding out that Luo Zhi's situation was different, and lied when Brother Chenbai asked.

But if Luo Zhi didn't direct and act, and made a farce of seeking death to threaten their families, how could such a thing happen?

Of course he was wrong, but could Luo Zhi never learn to introspect and be ashamed? How could she be so embarrassed to act like a victim and question her here...

Luo Cheng buried his head very low, hiding his thoughts, and the fingertips twisting the clothes were faintly white.

She was so disgusted with Luo Zhi, and learned from her elder brother that she forgot something because she was too young, and the conflict deepened.

- She didn't know until yesterday that the cold treatment of Luo Zhi by her father and brother was actually because when they were young, Luo Zhi once took her away from her mother because of her willful playfulness.

Fortunately, Luo Cheng was lucky. He escaped from those bad guys within a few days, and happened to be discovered by the police not far away, so he returned home safely.

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