Chapter 59: Operation

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There are many preparations that should be done before surgery, but there is very little that the patient needs to do in person.

Luo Chi was admitted to the hospital, apart from being pulled for a series of physical examinations and wearing a bunch of fragmented instrument leads, there was nothing else but bed rest as prescribed by the doctor.

Because he was too busy, Luo Chi couldn't help but ask Mr. Shadow to borrow a computer.

At this time, the ward was very quiet, and there was no one in the corridor.

It is a single ward itself. Although it is inevitable that there are humming instruments, medicines and disinfectant everywhere, the smell is also obvious, but the overall layout is still warm and comfortable enough.

The window was bright and clean, and the sunlight filtered in from the window, illuminating the room with a lazy warmth.

Ming Weiting was taken by Xun Zhen for the final preoperative notification. Luo Chi was sitting alone on the hospital bed playing with the computer. When he looked up, he saw Mr. Shadow's coat hanging on the hanger.

After Luo Chi woke up, he actually didn't need to see the coat to know that Mr. Shadow would come back, but this habit was still retained by Mingwei Pavilion.

Sometimes because he was weak or too tired, Luo Chi would fall asleep accidentally, and when he woke up, he would find that the coat was covered on him at some point.

Luo Chi likes those coats very much, and will be happy when he sees them. He tapped the keyboard with one hand, added this sentence to the letter to himself, and added parentheses after thinking about it.


Details, colon.

Luo Chi was concentrating on recalling, while skillfully typing on the keyboard.

After figuring out the possible consequences of the operation, Luo Chi went to consult a doctor, and also took the opportunity to search the Internet to find out how to convert short-term memory into long-term memory.

Those who will go to the Internet to search for this problem seem to be children and parents who are deeply troubled by their studies. Luo Chi followed a lot of videos, and even almost couldn't resist the temptation to buy an online course for memory teaching, and finally mastered the most basic method.

He retells everything he wants to remember with as much precision and detail as possible. The more detail and more vivid the effect, the better.

Luo Chi originally only wrote about the suit jacket, but after reciting it over and over several times, he slowly typed out the words "casual clothes".

Luo Chi sat for three minutes, looking at the words "casual clothes" on the screen.

He looked at the still blank screen, lowered his head again, and looked at his chest.

…Mr. Shadow in casual clothes.

Mr. Shadow, who was wearing casual clothes, followed his movements and tapped his chest lightly.

And then had a one-on-one exchange with his heart.

Then he spoke on behalf of the heart.

Then Mr. Shadow looked at him, then his heart beat a little for some reason, and then Mr. Shadow put his hand on his chest.

The fabric of the casual clothes gently folded his shirt.


Luo Chi pressed his chest, took a few deep breaths slowly, and sighed deeply.

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