Chapter 52: bid farewell

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There was no way that the hysterical quarrel outside the crew could not have been reported.

The location is a documentary crew that has been very popular recently. The protagonist is the center of public opinion that has recently been paid attention to. Even the content of the quarrel is a topic that is full of troubles.

It's just that before that, not many people linked them together.

Not many people link them together, and even if there are many clues, there are many clues and hints that are not difficult to find.

When the first issue of "Flame" was released, it even caused a small-scale discussion - some people think that the ten-year-old child in the video file is very familiar, and there is a little bit of the guitar that was once a surprise and was hacked by the whole network before. Shadow of the hand.

Someone immediately refuted, how could it be, that was the general manager of Huaisheng Entertainment. When he debuted before, he was chased and sprayed by people who used his family background to bully others and suppress singers on the same list.

Then someone refuted that this was a black material that was made out of nonsense in what year. Refer to the official blog of Huaisheng Entertainment, all the evidence that should be released is clear, and there are many first-hand official high-definition works. The newcomers have just entered the pit and are busy chasing stars.

There are a lot of people leaving comments below this comment, most of them are newcomers to Huaisheng's official blog, and they can't help but clarify the black material. Later, it diverged somewhat, and some people remembered that Luo Zhi's health was not good. Luo Zhi seemed to have suffered serious injuries when he was a child, and I heard that Luo Zhi was recovering from illness...

Finally someone came back, shh, don't bother him.

Don't bother him here.

The pilot film of "Flame" has made it clear that the survivor has passed away, and there will be no follow-up to this unit.

The theme of the documentary is the life of the victims after they were rescued and returned, and the timeline starts from this time.

The camera follows Zhao Lan's point of view. She wants to find a boy named Huo Miao. She received a gift from thirteen years ago. They made an agreement at that time. They agreed to meet when she got better, and to open champagne to celebrate. Huo Miao said that she was the bravest sister.

Zhao Lan fulfilled the contract to find him to see how he grew up.

Zhao Lan came with a letter from his father. Those handwritten letters are thick, and they can be opened when they feel homesick.

When I got into the car, my mother hugged her and wiped her tears proudly. My sister jumped up outside the window with her fists and cheered her up loudly. My husband sat beside her and held her scarred hand.

Her parents and sister had seen Huo Miao and asked her to bring a travel bag in return. The younger sister is distressed while stuffing the remote control car inside. Thirteen years have passed, has the younger brother reached the age where he doesn't like toy cars.

It turns out that not all stories end this way.

Her father's letter to her said to believe that all wounds will heal, and although those scars may be unsightly and even a little scary, sooner or later they will heal to the point where they will never hurt again.

Zhao Lan sat under the lamp and replied to his father. The nib was still shaking as she drew, the light was soft and warm, and there was a small dark shadow under the nib.

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