Chapter 67: dissecting

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Some people look like they're reasoning, but they're almost cooked.

The weather has fallen, the day is hot and the night is cool, and the temperature at night is very comfortable.

The fireplace does not need to burn for the time being, just the soft ambient light is on.

Ming Chi hugged his right knee on the sofa, his arms overlapped and half of his face was buried, firmly believing that the little spark popping out of his chest could burn the fireplace directly if he scorched inside.

Mr. Shadow did not speak.

Mr. Shadow didn't even speak.

Ming Chi was heartbroken, and finally decided not to just talk, but quietly moved his arms to support the sofa, ready to let Mr. Shadow experience the strength that will come at that time.

He has recovered quite well these days, and he has enough energy to do what he says, just as he is about to take off from the sofa, the support under his palm is suddenly empty.

Although Mr. Shadow didn't speak, he didn't know when he stood up and moved his hand before him.

Mingchi was picked up from the sofa.

Of course, this is not the first time - you can tell from the hand he automatically and skillfully hugs Mr. Shadow's shoulder, Ming Chi's body is obviously more experienced than his own.

Not only after the operation, but during the period of recuperating his body before the operation, he must have been hugged by Mr. Shadow too.

It's just... this time, some people just happened to be hot, and if you ran around a little bit, the fireplace could set you on fire.

Mingchi could almost feel that his hand was burning on Mr. Shadow's neck. He wanted to withdraw his hand to cool down, but before he could move, he was tightened by the arms behind him.

Ming Weiting was looking down at his eyes.

This action must be bidirectional. When Ming Weiting looked at him, his figure also fell into Mingchi's eyes.

"Do you want to pay in advance?" Ming Weiting raised his hand and touched his eyelashes, "Experience it once?"

Ming Chi blinked his eyes, and his eyes lit up quickly. He quickly understood what Mr. Shadow meant, and he was afraid of burning the other party's body, who was withdrawing a little while later, without hesitation, and hugged Ming Weiting's shoulders firmly.

"Uncle Lu." Ming Weiting hugged him and got up, "I'll take the flame back to the room."

Ming Lu nodded with a smile, and waved at Ming Chi, who was already excited.

Mr. Shadow must have secretly rehearsed himself.

Mr. Shadow must have also secretly planned how to pick him up and run, all the way from the sofa, through the stairs, and back to the room.

Mr. Shadow must also want to catch him who rushed over.

Although the sequence of the process has been slightly adjusted, so that he jumped into his arms first and then rushed upstairs, but the effect was still quite exciting and exciting, even more exciting than Mingchi expected to rush up-he could feel Mr. Shadow's heartbeat, His heart knocked on the door across his chest, and was immediately greeted with the same unabashed bluntness.

Mr. Shadow took him back to the room. Of course, this amount of exercise would not make anyone tired, but at the moment they didn't want to move or do anything.

They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes  (BL) Where stories live. Discover now