Chapter 70: reporter

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The young master definitely agreed.

Looking at the mood of the husband after getting in the car, it is not difficult to guess the frequency of chatting with the mobile phone with his head down.

Ming Lu was relieved, turned back from the co-pilot, and handed the sorted information to Ming Weiting: "Sir, this is the part that may be used at that time."

Ming Weiting put down his phone and reached out to take the folder.

He personally handled the whole cruise accident, and even in the hospital these days, everything was operating according to the rules set at the beginning.

Ming Weiting read it roughly once, knowing what he knew, he closed the folder and put it aside: "Uncle Lu."

In business, there are always accidents and accidents. As long as it is dealt with in a timely and proper manner, the closing matters are complex and trivial, but they are not difficult.

Ming Weiting asked: "What is the situation of public opinion?"

Vessels sailing, facing unpredictable weather and hydrology, the shipwreck is not the first and will not be the last, he asked clearly not the public opinion caused by this accident.

Ming Lu was naturally clear and did not answer immediately. He hesitated for a while before opening his mouth: "No problem, sir, Huaisheng Entertainment has done a good job."

These days, with Ming Chi recuperating and rehabilitating, no one in the family will mention this.

Minglu will always pay attention to the progress and occasionally contact the management of Huaisheng Entertainment, but he will not convey these matters to Mingweiting.

Ming Chi is quite sensitive to Mr. Shadow's changes. Once Ming Weiting's mood changes, he can detect it almost immediately.

During the time when Ming Chi was recuperating, they almost deliberately maintained a relaxed environment without worrying at all, and kept all the noise outside Wanghai Villa, not wanting to let anything from the outside interfere with him.

But two lines never run in parallel forever. The passengers of the cruise accident and the shipwreck will eventually meet.

- If Mingchi will never appear in front of other people in the future, and go to live with them on the high seas forever, at most only as a captain and see the guests on the cruise, then it doesn't matter at all.

The high seas are not sovereign territory. If you don't consider the disputes that may break out for a short time, and don't consider the danger, this kind of life is at best a little boring and monotonous.

Just like the previous generation of Mr. and Mrs.

Madam followed her husband on board, and she hardly ever returned to shore except to visit relatives.

Back then, the little girl who gave her parents a headache and would take her husband to ride a horse, but couldn't stand up with laughter because her husband sat on the horse, held a mask and hummed a song, and was held by her husband from the lantern festival and left the land. , and finally slowly turned into a steady and quiet Mrs. Ming.

Ming Weiting closed his eyes and listened to Uncle Lu say, "This is what my father regrets the most."

Ming Lu stopped talking, the head of the Ming family was silent for longer than before, and then smiled: "Yes."

"Sir." Minglu said, "You know your father better than you think."

Mingweiting leaned on the seat and shook his head.

They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes  (BL) Where stories live. Discover now