Chapter 13: past

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Genting Cafe.

Luo Cheng clenched his fist lightly and was sitting nervously opposite Director Gong Hanrou.

She wanted to come to interview the abducted female college student, so she didn't wear too much make-up, she only put on some sunscreen, combed a neat high ponytail, and dressed simply and plainly.

But the twenty-year-old girl was coddled and raised by her family, and she never suffered a bit. Even if she doesn't wear Fendai anymore, she still has the Pingting brilliance unique to her age.

Playing a theme such as a youth campus or an urban idol is just right, but it is undoubtedly a thousand miles away from the role of the documentary.

Gong Hanrou would come here to sit for a while, only because of the invitation of the old man's son.

"That's it." The middle-aged female assistant in professional attire was polite and returned the file to Luo Cheng, "Little sister, I'm sorry..."

Seeing that the other party already wanted to refuse, Luo Cheng said anxiously: "Please wait!"

The assistant stopped talking and looked at her suspiciously.

"Can you give me a chance?" Luo Cheng clenched the corner of his clothes, "I really like this story."

Luo Cheng summoned his courage: "I can sign the agreement... I told Brother Chenbai."

As he said that, Luo Cheng couldn't help but turn his head quietly and glanced at Ren Chenbai not far away.

She really couldn't help being aggrieved at the moment.

Luo Cheng originally thought that it was just that Dad adjusted the family company, and if she helped the second brother drive away the people who were in the way, there would be no more troubles and setbacks.

But who knows, things are not as simple and smooth as imagined.

Jian Huaiyi has always been Luo Jun's deputy. Huaisheng Entertainment was the first company he officially managed, and he was so busy that he couldn't see anyone every day. The team and resources he promised to equip Luo Cheng were delayed again and again.

People from Huaisheng Entertainment were also surprised. Those department managers were so indifferent to her, she would never arrange anything that President Jane didn't order, and her attitude could not be wrong.

Even Brother Chenbai, who had promised to deal with her, didn't know what he was doing these days. When he came, he just lowered his head and drank coffee and sent a message, and he didn't say a word other than greeting Teacher Gong.

Luo Orange bowed her head, she bit her lower lip, and had to continue speaking: "I heard people say that Teacher Gong's crew has a kind of agreement..."

The assistant guessed what she wanted to say: "Are you trying to talk about a waiver agreement with the group?"

Luo Orange nodded quickly: "Yes, that's it."

As a director, Gong Hanrou has always been good at documentaries, and the most important thing about documentaries is authenticity and restoration.

Of course, what has happened can no longer be recorded by the camera, and can only be re-acted by the actors. In order to find the most suitable state, the actors of some important roles must be closed to the group throughout the whole process, witnessing or even personally experiencing all the tragic or cruel truths in a semi-immersive manner.

There was once an actor who couldn't play for a long time after the filming ended, so there was a lot of trouble, and even went to court. After that, there was an extra agreement that must be accepted by both parties in advance.

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