Chapter 55: forget

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If it was a dream, this day must be the best part of the dream.

Although the rain seemed to be falling all the time, there was always the wind blowing the clouds away and letting the sunlight leak from here and there.

Although there was only a little cold wind, Luo Chi was carried back to the room by Mr. Shadow, and the hot water was flushed in time. The two sides reached a consensus through negotiation that Luo Chi was over four and a half years old and could wash himself, but he had to sleep with Mr. Shadow at night.

Although I played the guitar for too long yesterday, I really have no strength to lift my right hand today. But the sunset glow reflected on the sea in the evening is so beautiful, no matter how you look at it, you are full of inspiration, just in time to start paying off your debts.

Although Mr. Shadow said there are still many people who like him...

Luo Chi promptly and strictly controlled his mind, and he didn't ask a word, he believed it without even thinking about it.

He took a hot bath and painted half a picture with his left hand that he was completely dissatisfied with, but Mr. Shadow insisted that it was good-looking. The whole person was trapped in a particularly warm and comfortable sleepiness. rain.

The cold air was tightly blocked by the windows, and the rain formed golden waterlines under the lights.

Luo Chi hadn't touched electronic products for a long time, and he wanted to play for a while before going to bed no matter what. Ming Weiting lent him the computer, and went downstairs to see Xun Zhen, who came back with Ming Lu, and confirmed the time of Luo Chi's last two re-examinations before the operation.

When he returned to the room with today's medicine, Luo Chi was still leaning on the head of the bed, staring at the screen intently, typing on the keyboard with one hand.

Mingweiting put down the things in his hand and walked over: "What are you writing?"

The carpet in the room was very thick, and Luo Chi's hearing was not enough to detect his footsteps, so he didn't look up until Mingwei Pavilion opened his mouth.

As soon as he saw Mr. Shadow, he was in a good mood, and his eyes immediately rolled up: "Write a letter."

Ming Weiting didn't expect this answer, so he walked to the bed and gave him the peach flavored candy he had promised.

He knew that Luo Chi had a habit of keeping notes in memos.

Most of the things that happened these days were happy things, and Luo Chi didn't actually forget it very much—and even if he forgot, it didn't matter. If Luo Chi forgot, he happened to take Luo Chi to do it again.

But even so, Luo Chi would whisper a review before going to bed before closing his eyes and sleeping with confidence.

Ming Weiting thought he was writing a diary, so he took the computer that Luo Chi handed over, closed it, and put it by the bedside: "Who do you need to send the letter to?"

Luo Chi smiled and shook his head, hiding the candy under the pillow.

A letter that does not need to be sent means that the recipient is not an outsider. Ming Weiting guessed that he was writing a letter to Aunt Ren, so he didn't ask any more questions and sat beside the bed: "Huo Miao."

Luo Chi noticed that he had something to say to himself, blinked his eyes, and turned back with his body supported.

Ming Weiting stretched out his hand to lend him strength, and when Luo Chi sat down slowly, he added a soft pillow behind him.

They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes  (BL) Where stories live. Discover now