Chapter 46: Guitar

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The footage of the video finally stopped at the edge of the stage.

Luo Chi sat there. He put his guitar aside, rested his hands on the stage floor, and tilted his head back quietly.

He was wearing a simple T-shirt, and the light was so bright that it fell on him to outline the silhouette. The sweaty short hair is a little messy, with a soft halo around the edges that almost feels touchable because of the angle of the camera.

This bright light makes the field of vision white when looking directly. Ming Weiting looked at the snow white, he retracted his gaze, turned to Luo Chi on the sofa, and wanted to speak.

"At this moment."

Luo Chi rolled his eyes before him, and suddenly said seriously: "If fans want to say, don't believe it, unless you sign it."

This is obviously almost the category of big adventures. Almost the second after Luo Chi finished speaking, Ming Weiting repeated it without hesitation.

He didn't know the right tone, so it still sounded a little stiff, but what he said still made Ming Lu on the side quickly look over in surprise.

Meeting Mingwei Pavilion's sight, Ming Lu coughed lightly, got up and walked quickly to make tea for a few people.

In front of the sofa beside the fireplace, Ming Weiting refuted what he said just now and explained rigorously: "No disbelief."

Ming Weiting raised his hand and touched Luo Chi's short hair warmed by the fireplace.

Luo Chi hasn't taken care of his hair for a while, and it's a little longer than before. With his forehead down, leaning against the couch under a thin blanket, he looked almost smaller than in the video.

"It's cool now," Ming Weiting said. "It's always been cool."

Luo Chi was praised so that his earlobes turned red, and even the corners of his mouth pursed, trying to move the right hand that had been hanging beside him.

Ming Weiting noticed something and was about to ask when he suddenly remembered what he just said: "Signature?"

Luo Chi nodded.

Ming Weiting stood up immediately: "Wait for me."

The cruise ship actually prepared things for Luo Chi to sign, but they didn't bring them down for the time being. Mingweiting went to Minglu and asked for a large piece of paper and pen, and carefully laid the paper on the coffee table for him.

Luo Chi supported his right hand with his left hand, and took the signature pen that he handed over.

When Ming Lu returned to the sofa with the brewed tea, Luo Chi was still writing the signature.

Luo Chi seems to be very patient in everything he does, and he never gets frustrated. He was supported by Mingwei Ting, lying on the coffee table and slowly writing stroke by stroke. Several times he seemed to be unable to hold the pen immediately, but he immediately closed his fingers in time.

Fortunately, the word "flame" is not difficult to write. The more Luo Chi wrote, the more he found the feeling, and even after the last stroke, he was still in the mood, and he gave a free sketch of the flames at the back.

Luo Chi looked at the piece of paper and was quite satisfied when he looked left and right, and solemnly handed it over to the lucky fan: "Keep it."

"Keep it." Ming Weiting nodded, "Hang it in the office and read it ten times a day."

It didn't come to this point, Luo Chi couldn't help laughing. He had been lying on the coffee table for too long, and he was a little dizzy when he got up. His consciousness was blank for a moment. When he slowly woke up, he found that he had been hugged by Mingwei Pavilion.

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