Chapter 21: pay the bill

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Luo Jun thought that he would soon forget about it.

He doesn't remember a lot of things, mostly because it's unnecessary. Especially regarding Luo Zhi's impression, he and Luo Zhi are really not very familiar - a partner heard him mention this matter, and he was quite surprised.

But in fact, no matter what others think, Luo Jun and Luo Zhi just don't know each other very well.

They are very different in age. When Luo Zhi was born, he was studying abroad. When he came back from the summer vacation, he also went to the company for an internship, so he had very little time at home.

What was Luo Zhi like at that time?

I don't really have a deep impression. He only remembered that he was a rather lively and laughing child. He liked to run around behind him the most. When he saw him reading a book, he followed suit.

After two years, I got another sister, and they became two little boys chasing him everywhere. He had a headache because of the noise, so he had to go to the study to hide in peace.

Then one day, when he was reminded by Ren Chenbai, he suddenly realized that as long as he was at home, Luo Zhi would not be noisy at all.

Not only did he not make noise, Luo Zhi would quietly lead his sister to the toy room as soon as he found out that his elder brother was reading a book.

He was not yet taller than the table, so he held up toys and tiptoed to tease his sister, hugged her and gently shook her gently, coaxing her until she fell asleep.

... When was the last time Luo Zhi made a fool of himself in front of him?

Luo Jun thought that he would not come up with the answer, but human memory can't always do the right thing.

The more he can't control his irritability and wants to clear the endless thoughts in his mind, the more those memories come back and forth in his mind.

It's Luo Zhi's sixth birthday, he knows, he knows, so don't jump out and annoy him endlessly.

He knew it was Luo Zhi's sixth birthday.

He didn't go back to the study that day to read, watching Luo Zhi rushing back and forth because his parents hid gifts and wouldn't give him, and because he was there, he didn't dare to rummage around.

He felt that this kind of game was really boring, so he put down the book, grabbed Luo Zhi and carried it on his shoulders, so that Luo Zhi found the gift on the top of the bookcase.

Luo Zhi was so happy that time that he couldn't find the north, sitting triumphantly on his shoulder, holding the gift and shaking it back and forth, and singing loudly and happily.

After finally venting and calming down, Luo Zhi remembered that his eldest brother didn't like to make noise, and slipped to the ground with the gift box in his arms, carefully looking at him.

Luo Jun did not expect that he could recall so many details.

He even remembered that he was not angry, and he opened gifts with Luo Zhi and said happy birthday to Luo Zhi.

He seemed to have casually promised Luo Zhi that he would wish him happiness on every birthday in the future.

With a golden birthday crown, Xiao Luozhi reverently closed his eyes to the candles on the cake and made a wish for every birthday in the future.

Happy birthday to every future birthday, I want to spend it with my big brother, my parents and my little sister.

They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes  (BL) Where stories live. Discover now