Chapter 41: monster

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Ren Chenbai appeared on the crew of "Fire".

He is the provider of the documentary material, and the son of director Gong Hanrou's old friend. I just don't know why, but this time, many people looked at him strangely.

The familiar assistant director didn't seem to have seen him, and when the screenwriter saw him, he immediately lowered his head and turned away. Many familiar faces who usually had an impression suddenly took him as a non-existent air.

The director of drama recognized him, his face suddenly changed, he immediately put down his work, and went to lead a few young actors not far away who were not shooting tasks and were playing together.

Zhao Lan hurried over with someone and stopped Ren Chenbai with a bad face: "What are you doing?"

Ren Chenbai stopped and recognized her identity: "Assistant Zhao."

When talking about the crew for Luo Cheng, Ren Chenbai once met Zhao Lan in a cafe and knew that she was director Gong Hanrou's assistant.

He still remembered that Director Gong had said that Zhao Lan was the female college student who was kidnapped, and was rescued together with Xiao Zhi and escaped from the devil's cave.

After being rescued, Zhao Lan's family always accompanied her and took care of her. It took her more than ten years to finally help her slowly get out of the shadow of a nightmare.

Ren Chenbai had a good impression of her, he knew that Zhao Lan came to apply to be Director Gong's assistant because he decided to face the past, and his tone was very gentle: "I haven't been here for a while, I'll come to see Teacher Gong. "

"No." Zhao Lan frowned, "Mr. Ren, Teacher Gong doesn't want to see you."

She turned to the side and motioned to the field attendant to come over and send people off: "Please come back."

Ren Chenbai was on crutches, and the field manager didn't dare to touch him rashly, but just politely stepped forward and waited.

Ren Chenbai felt that something was wrong just now, and stopped her: "Assistant Zhao, did I do something bad?"

Zhao Lan looked at him with more and more strange eyes.

She stared at Ren Chenbai and repeated his words: "Did you do something bad?"

Zhao Lan couldn't think of how someone could be so shameless.

After the last time they broke up in the coffee shop, Gong Hanrou immediately started looking for the whereabouts of Huo Miao.

It's actually not difficult at all to match the identity of Huo Miao with Luo Chi - it's just that before this, the crew, according to their usual habits, would never rashly disturb the lives of the parties without permission.

When Ren Shuangmei told this story to an old friend, she deliberately concealed Luo Chi's identity and blurred key clues because she didn't want Luo Chi to be bothered by the past. Gong Hanrou is of course aware of this, so he always only listens to stories and never asks questions beyond the bounds.

Such tacit respect and protection, but after one of the parties died too hastily, it unexpectedly turned into a stand-by by accident.

In the conversation in the cafe, Gong Hanrou noticed an ominous clue from Ren Chenbai's few words. She found out that Luo Chi had gone on a cruise. The crew had even made relevant preparations. When Luo Chi came back, they broke the usual rules of documentary filming and forcibly took the person away on the grounds of cooperating with the interview.

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