Chapter 64: discharged from hospital

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Both slept very well that night.

The bed was slightly adjusted, and a single bed was put together next to it.

The new captain of the Ming family was interested in the big bed at first sight, his eyes lit up at the suddenly spacious space, he took the initiative to arrange the pillows, and generously invited Mr. Ming to come and lie down.

When Minglu first came to check, Mr. Ming was still leaning on the head of the bed, with the computer on his lap, whispering to his boat the bedtime stories he had searched and sorted out these days.

When he came back for the second time, Mr. Ming was already asleep.

Ming Chi quietly blinked twice, made a gesture, took the computer lightly, and handed it over to Uncle Lu for storage.

Sensing the movement beside him, Ming Weiting woke up from his light sleep and wanted to prop up his arms. Mingchi's reaction was no slower than his, and he took Mr. Shadow's hand in time, and bent down to speak to him softly.

Minglu put the computer away. When he stood up, he saw that the new captain was putting his hand on Mr.'s forehead. In a light and gentle voice, he reported that he was super comfortable and had no abnormality. If there was any problem, he would definitely report it immediately.

Ming Weiting sat on the head of the bed, still opening his eyes, when Mingchi lightly touched his eyelashes twice with the back of his hand.

Ming Weiting listened carefully, a smile gradually appeared in his eyes, and he held Ming Chi's hand.

This was originally his action when he was confirming whether Mingchi was uncomfortable, but the other party learned it, and his strength was lighter and more stable than his control, which easily reminded people of the nights on cruise ships.

Such nights are most common when the weather is good at sea.

Everything was quiet at night, the wind was chasing the moon on the sea, so light that it didn't even disturb the tide, and it was almost impossible to feel it standing on the deck.

Unless you close your eyes.

"Close your eyes." Mingchi urged him in a low voice, "Mr. Shadow, lie down."

Ming Weiting nodded, followed suit with a smile, raised his hand to help Ming Chi avoid the wound and lay down carefully, and lay down himself.

The two were lying side by side on the big bed that had just been put together.

Mingweiting has been taking care of Mingchi these days, and can accurately locate the other party even with his eyes closed.

He turned sideways and carefully covered the corners of Mingchi. Without waiting for the other person to remind him, he just covered another quilt and lay down quite standardly.

The new captain was very satisfied, and as a reward, touched Mr. Ming's ear.

Ming Lu and the new captain handed over to each other across the air, nodded with a smile, and returned to the compartment to lie down at ease.

Three people will sleep very well tonight.

The recovery progress after that was even faster than Mingchi himself had predicted.

The headache and dizziness after the removal of the drainage tube was not worth mentioning compared to before. Ming Chi completely recovered his spirits in the afternoon, and his appetite was better than before, so he drank a whole bowl of porridge by himself.

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