Chapter 23: license

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Because of Luo Jun's inexplicable words, Ren Chenbai was unable to concentrate completely in the entire meeting that followed.

No matter what, he couldn't figure out what Luo Jun meant.

Luo Zhi is gone again?

This is not uncommon.

Luo Zhi didn't stay in the Luo family at all - even if Luo Zhi wanted to, the Luo family couldn't tolerate him. That Mrs. Luo would definitely make trouble within twelve hours, unless Luo Zhi was stuffed into a remote guest room in the farthest corner.

If it weren't for this, there would be no need to foster Luo Zhi at their home in the first place.

Ren Chenbai was leaning back in his seat, listening to the department's report, still playing with the bluetooth headset he had already hung up on.

He was still wearing that suave mask, listening to a department manager talking about something incomprehensible, but his strong impatience climbed up the back of his spine little by little.

...a bunch of rubbish.

Even he himself didn't know whether this sneering thought that suddenly appeared was aimed at the subordinates of the corpse vegetarian meal, or to anger the Luo family who couldn't even look down on Luo Zhi.

Of course, it was impossible for the Luo family to look down on Luo Zhi, and even he himself contributed to this incident.

Ren Chenbai has been doing this from a very early age, since they were very young, since he didn't even hate Luo Zhi.

Relying on calmly indulging, and even guiding Luo Zhi back to Luo's house, Ren Chenbai let Luo Zhi thoroughly see the face of the family again and again.

He confidently and calmly waited for Luo Zhi to give up completely, and then he would stay in the Ren family and be a family with them forever.

Ren Chenbai couldn't figure out why his mother punished him for this.

At the age of twelve, Luo Zhi was pushed down from the second floor by Mrs. Luo and broke his leg, and was taken by his mother to Wanghai Villa for three months.

Ren Chenbai was very happy and wanted to find Luo Zhi, but was told by his mother that he was not allowed to go, and he was not allowed to show up before Luo Zhi was healed.

So Ren Chenbai didn't know at all that his mother even gave Luo Zhi a car.

Why give Luo Zhi a car?

In order to let Luo Zhi run? Running where no one can find it?

Ren Chenbai lowered his gaze, his fingers exerted force unconsciously, almost crushing the Bluetooth headset, only to be reminded by the applause of the department manager at the end of his speech.

...everything has changed since those three months.

During those three months, Luo Zhi found a new hobby and began to paint on a wall-sized canvas specially made for him by his mother, and began to learn guitar and singing by himself.

Every night, Luo Zhi happily chatted with Ren Chenbai about his guitar.

Ren Chenbai watched his progress by leaps and bounds, and watched the tune that was still stumbling a week ago being played quickly and smoothly. Looking at the boy who only dared to follow behind him and was wary of outsiders, he took the initiative to go to the bonfire party by the sea to play with the tourists.

Ren Chenbai looked at Luo Zhi who was sitting on the sand and playing flamenco.

There were many people listening to his guitar by the bonfire that day. The light of the fire made the boy's face flush red, and his eyes lit up as if a star had fallen into it.

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