Chapter 40: future

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The conch was not found.

It wasn't anyone's problem, it was Conch who was too impatient, too impatient, too eager to be discovered at a glance.

Although he obediently hid behind the reef, he was afraid of being discovered, so he put a lot of star lights around and drew the biggest smiley face on the beach.

Those shining stars were too conspicuous and too unaware of their precautions, and attracted the cold and dark currents hiding in the trenches.

The vicious undercurrent rushed up from the bottom of the sea, snatched the conch, and pushed the smiling face clean.

Even so, this incident did not lead to any bad results at all.

Of course there will be no misunderstanding, how could there be a misunderstanding. Luo Chi believes in her aunt more than herself, and Aunt Ren likes Xiao Huo Miao more than anything.

It's just because both of them are too worried about each other and don't want to make each other feel uncomfortable or unhappy at all.

Because I care too much, I want to repair all the scars that have been stabbed by the world, so naturally I have infinite patience and caution.

Aunt Ren stood behind the reef and thought to the empty beach. Xiao Huo Miao has encountered too many bad things, and he must still feel nervous and dare not speak out what he wants bravely, so he must be patient and not in a hurry.

Luo Chi curled up on the bed, tossing and turning with his arms on his back. Aunt Ren has had too many troubles recently. Of course, such a big thing as bringing him home must be considered very carefully and fully. You have to wait slowly, not in a hurry.

Don't be in a hurry, take your time, don't be in a hurry.

Until Aunt Ren suddenly fell ill without warning.

Aunt Ren was lying on the hospital bed, sighing because she was bored and bombing the infusion tube, and finally completely swayed her heart and pulled Luo Chi, who was busy taking care of herself, over.

...Until Aunt Ren nodded his head and asked when Conchli's wish would be fulfilled, Luo Chi suddenly realized in a stunned sense that something must have gone wrong.

He buried the conch, but failed to reach Aunt Ren.

Something must have gone wrong.

Only then did Luo Chi realize that something was wrong.

"Little squirrel." Aunt Ren didn't know yet, so she knocked on his forehead to examine him, "Where did you hide the conch?"

When he was first sent to Ren's house, the ten-year-old Luo Chi was easily disturbed. When you receive something you like, you never want to use it, so you must hide it all.

Aunt Ren was moved by his diligent spirit of hoarding treasures, so she simply found a tree in the garden and hid a super secret safe for him on the tree.

At that time, Luo Chi had something good in his arms, and quietly ran up to the tree when no one was there.

Aunt Ren stood under the tree, her stomach hurt from laughing, and as soon as he teased him, she deliberately said that she raised a little squirrel.

The little squirrel stood still, his heart beating so fast that it almost burst through his chest.

Must not be in a hurry.

Aunt Ren's illness must not have violent mood swings.

In a few seconds, Luo Chi quickly figured out what to do.

They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes  (BL) Where stories live. Discover now