Chapter 32: sound

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Luo Chi was silent.

He even seemed to be frightened by the liquid that suddenly gushed out of his body, and the warm water dripped onto the stiffly curled fingers, and the whole hand shook.

Ming Weiting took that hand, sat in front of him, and wiped his tears with his sleeve.

"Huo Miao." Ming Weiting looked into his eyes, "I'm back, I'll keep coming back."

Ming Weiting slowly rubbed his hair and carefully wiped the water color: "I will come back in the future, can I watch you play the guitar? I still want to buy your paintings."

"I want to buy a lot of your paintings, and I want to watch your paintings." Ming Weiting said, "I will pay any price."

There was no blood on Luo Chi's face, wet tears dripped down his cheeks, and he felt paler and hypothermic than when he first woke up.

He couldn't understand what these liquids were, they had just been wiped off, but in a blink of an eye they overflowed more violently than before. When it rolled down, it was as hot as the magma was burning, but it didn't take long for it to freeze again as if it was an endless sea of ​​ice.

Luo Chi leaned against Ming Weiting's chest, his body was soft and cold, his chest heaving, his body trembled uncontrollably.

Ming Weiting tried his best to lighten his strength. He found that Luo Chi's condition was still not good, and his breathing became more and more rapid and intermittent. He frowned and raised his head: "Uncle Lu."

Ming Lu nodded and quickly went to call the doctor.

Ming Weiting took off the oxygen mask at the head of the bed, adjusted the flow rate, and sat sideways at the head of the bed.

He has been taking care of Luo Chi these days, so he is very skilled in doing it. He wrapped Luo Chi against his chest with one hand, and held the mask with the other hand, allowing Luo Chi to breathe the supplemental oxygen.

Luo Chi coughed under the oxygen mask.

The liquid gushing out of his eyes was too much and too urgent, no matter how much he tried to find the focus that could be lost, there were still only large hazy patches of color left in his field of vision.

The gears were stuck on the nerves in the brain, and a large piece of red rust spread out from the edges, and the chaotic and broken pictures were all twisted together. Those were just rusted gears, and he didn't know where he was.

Luo Chi refused to pass out, he was not reconciled.

He felt someone holding his hand, someone helping him to lie down, and someone sticking cold electrodes on him.

He didn't want to be in the hospital, he didn't want to get sick, he had something urgent.

Luo Chi struggled unconsciously, he frowned a little, and opened his eyes wide to find the outline of the shadow.

There was only a reddish fog in front of him.

He closed his eyes, trying to find a touch that his body was familiar with and used to, but he was holding his hand too much and couldn't tell the difference.

…and there are other ways.

There was another way, he remembered, he could have done it.

The tinnitus penetrated my mind without warning, the large noise before the TV completely broke down, the distorted and broken speakers mixed with the sound of electric current... Occasionally, there are words and phrases that have no beginning or end, but they don't even make sense, just remember It seems that because of that sentence, he can no longer listen to the voices outside.

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