Chapter 8: rescue

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Ren Chenbai didn't notice that his hands were shaking.

His expression became even colder, as if he was completely irritated by such a childish trick played by Luo Zhi.

"Luo Zhi." Ren Chenbai whispered, "Fake death with me?"

He picked Luo Zhi up, threw it on the bed, and reached out to probe the artery on the side of Luo Zhi's neck.

It must be because he couldn't find a way to do it. He tried several times to no avail. It was not until he put his palm directly on Luo Zhi's chest that he finally noticed the weak and slow beating of the heart inside.

The light in the room was not too bright.

The silvery moonlight streamed in, flowing over Luo Zhi's bloodless profile, and finally settled on Jing's closed eyelashes.

As if scooping up a quiet and mocking cold light.

A faint crack finally appeared on Ren Chenbai's calm and cold face.

He grabbed the back of Luo Zhi's head, stopped, and hugged him closer.

Seemingly disturbed by this, Luo Zhi finally reacted vaguely, his limp body bucked slightly, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

Ren Chenbai seemed to wake up suddenly and stopped immediately.

He obviously did the most foolish act worthy of ridicule, so the anger that was suppressed by that moment of confusion and dazedness turned up exponentially, Ren Chenbai sneered, and with his right hand, grabbed Luo Zhi's hair: "Have you had enough?"

"You are so easy to coax." Ren Chenbai sneered, "If you give me a little sweetness, I won't be able to continue acting?"

Luo Zhi didn't respond and dropped his hand outside the bed.

This time, Ren Chenbai would not be fooled by his clumsy means again. He threw Luo Zhi back on the bed, pulled over the ECG monitor beside the bed, and lifted Luo Zhi's empty hospital gown with his left hand.

The body under the sick clothes was horribly thin, and the pale skin was covered with large bruises.

Ren Chen's eyes jumped, but he didn't seem to care, he just turned on the instrument and pasted the electrodes one by one.

"I tell you, Luo Zhi."

Ren Chenbai warned slowly: "I will make you pay for this little trick, you..."

The last patch touched the cold, pale skin, and the ECG monitor suddenly made a piercing alarm.

Ren Chenbai's body stiffened.

He suddenly realized something, reached out to probe Luo Zhi's neck and chest, and tried Luo Zhi's breathing again.

For the first time, his movements showed some panic, but no matter what the result was, there was silence.

When a person is about to die, will he hold his last breath in his throat and wait to listen to the movement around him?

The Ren family has long been involved in medical-related fields, and this private hospital is Ren Chenbai's own industry. Even though he has never received professional clinical training, Ren Chenbai actually has more medical knowledge than the average person.

His actions from just now to now have lost his composure, just because the person lying on the ground is Luo Zhi.

And Ren Chenbai happened to hate Luo Zhi, so much that Luo Zhi had to be tortured bit by bit alive, so much that he wanted to make up a net with the pretense of a gentle brother who was disgusting even himself, trapping this monster in despair for the rest of his life. Atonement.

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