Chapter 1

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As I made my way to the school building, the crowd of students around me was steadily growing. It looks like I chose quite a busy time to make my departure. I looked around at the faces surrounding me and wondered if any of them were my future classmates. I also noticed quite a few security cameras on the premises, presumably to ensure our safety during our stay. So far, I had counted seven cameras along the way. It would be wise to scope out the campus for the cameras' locations when I'm free, just as a precaution.

I made it to my classroom a couple of minutes before the bell and headed towards my assigned seat which was next to the window on the second row from the back. I can't really tell if the placement is good or bad. On one hand, it looks like I can get some peace and quiet here, but on the other hand, it makes it harder to befriend others when I'm in the corner of the class.

The boy sitting behind me seems rather aloof as well. Maybe I should try to strike up a conversation with him and get the ball rolling. A simple introduction is enough for now.

. . .

. . .

Yeah, I'll just wait for someone to come up to me and initiate contact first. Baby steps.

The bell eventually rang, saving me from my inner turmoil. Our homeroom teacher, who introduced herself as Chabashira-sensei, started the first day's session by giving us a rundown of the school rules. It was all pretty standard stuff, albeit the school was shaping up to be less strict than I had anticipated. However, it was Chabashira-sensei's final point that was the most intriguing.

"Transactions at this school utilize private points. These are basically the school's currency which you can use to purchase anything offered on campus. Each of you will be given 100,000 private points for the month. In terms of value, you can think of one private point being equal to one yen."

At the mention of this statement, the class erupted.

"We're really being given so much money?"

"I can buy so many new clothes with all this!"

In the middle of all the commotion, Chabashira-sensei left us with her parting words.

"That will be all for today's session. You're free to do as you please before attending the entrance ceremony."

The chatter continued among the students who didn't pay much attention to our teacher leaving.

"Hey, do you want to go shopping later?"

"Yo, now that we're loaded, let's go buy a console."

Friend groups and cliques were starting to form, with our new-found richness bringing people together. And, in the midst of all that, I just sat there in my chair. It wasn't because of my poor social skills (okay, it was part of the reason), but rather, I couldn't help but think of Chabashira-sensei's words. While everyone was busy rejoicing, I pondered whether there was something more to her words. Before I could carefully reflect on that, however, someone spoke up.

"Can I have everyone's attention for a moment, please? As we'll be classmates for the next three years, I think this is a good opportunity to introduce ourselves and better get to know each other." 

These words were enough to get everyone's attention, with people seemingly open to the suggestion the boy gave.

"I'll go first. My name is Hirata Yosuke, and my hobbies include playing soccer. It's a pleasure to meet you all."

"Nice to meet you too, Hirata-kun!"

The handsome boy seems to already be a hit with the girls, much to the dismay of the other boys in class. While I'm sure he has good intentions, standing up and telling the whole class about myself was still a rather daunting task to me. Unfortunately, I can't just get up and leave when everyone's still in their seat.

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