Chapter 3

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"We weren't told those actions would make us lose private points, though. If we knew, we would've been more likely to behave appropriately."

Hirata-kun is still trying to salvage something out of the situation, but it's most probably in vain.

"It's true that I didn't mention this before. However, were you not aware that such behavior is not suitable in a classroom setting from your previous years of schooling? Plus, do you really think high school students would be given such a large sum of money every month with no strings attached? Come on, it's just common sense."

"Could you at least tell us on what basis points are added or deducted for future reference?"

"I cannot disclose this information to you, but I'll give you a hint. If you stop skipping class and misbehaving, you won't be deducted points. However, you won't gain any points, meaning you'll still be stuck with zero points. On the bright side, you can't be any worse off than you currently are even if you decide to not attend classes."

After Chabashira-sensei's scathing remarks, she proceeded to display the piece of paper she had in the tube, with the following information on display:

- Class A: 940 points

- Class B: 650 points

- Class C: 490 points

- Class D: 0 points

Dead last, huh?

"That's unfair!"

"How come the other classes still have so many points?"

The other students still haven't accepted their fate, but arguing won't change anything.

"Sensei, why is there such a difference in the number of points?"

Now that Hirata-kun mentioned it, the order of classes by points is also in alphabetical order. Was that a coincidence?

"This is why you were placed in class D. Do you understand now?"

Judging by everyone's faces, no.

"Here, students are ranked by excellence, with class A having superior students and your class having the worst bunch: failures, defectives, you get the idea."

I see...

"Don't worry, though. If you don't like it, you can always collect enough points to move up the ranks. After all, class points aren't only related to private points."

So, the order of classes can always change. Still, we're starting with quite a significant disadvantage.

"I'm afraid there's more bad news."

She pulled out another paper from the tube. This one had the names of this class's students along with a number next to each name.

"Not only are you defective, but you're also idiots. These are the results of the short test you took the other day. Given your performance, I'm surprised some of you even made it to high school."

Looking at the scores, I couldn't really disagree; some of the scores were abysmal considering the overall difficulty of the exam. I looked for my name and found out I was fourth in class. Not bad.

"You're lucky this wasn't an actual test. Otherwise, seven of you would have to drop out."

"Drop out?"

Those whose names were below a red line on the paper seemed particularly distraught by this statement.

"In this school, if you fail a midterm or final, you will have to drop out. In this test's case, those with a score under 32 points would be gone. Oh, and one more thing before I leave, if you want a guarantee at the university or job of your dreams, then simply graduating won't be enough; you'll need to aim for class A."

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