Chapter 23

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A/N: Gonna drop the honorifics moving forward because at this point, it's becoming a pain to remember how each character addresses others, and it doesn't add anything to the story. I might keep the -sensei and -senpai ones, though.


Now that we were talking about Kushida, I might as well try and get some information from Horikita.

"Hey, listen. Before you go, could you tell me what the deal with Kushida is? Surely there's a reason she's going to such lengths and even resorting to taking down the whole class."

"I think it's best if you remain oblivious to the reason. If you know too much, you might have a target on your back."

"I've already got one. She's not exactly a fan of my observation skills and knows I'm onto her, kinda. We did have a little chat where she said she'll leave me be, but I'm sure she'll go back to scheming against me once she's done with whatever business she's handling right now."

I haven't given Kushida any concrete reason to fear me, so I doubt my threats will keep her at bay forever.

"Fine, I guess I do owe you something for your efforts. The reason Kushida's doing all of this is so that she can get me expelled."

"That's... her motive? Did you harass the girl or something? It just seems... excessive, you know."

"I did nothing of the sort. Kushida and I went to the same middle school but were in different classes. Back then, she was the same as she is now, but one day, something big happened that caused an entire class to fall apart. Rumor has it that she's the one who put it all into motion."

"And, what exactly is that 'something big'?"

"I wish I could tell you. Unfortunately, even though I don't know the details, Kushida still sees me as a threat because I know about her past."

"I see. Well, thanks for the information. One last thing, if Kushida ever decides to tell you the details, could you let me know as well? Don't worry about the consequences I might face. I'll deal with those."

"Why are you so interested in knowing the full story?"

"I could tell you that it's because the information might prove beneficial later on, but I highly doubt that'll be the case, so I guess it's mere curiosity."

A case like Kushida's isn't very common, so I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in knowing the details behind her past.

"Sigh. Suit yourself. I'll let you know if something comes up."


Now that that's done, I think I've taken care of everything I'd set out to accomplish. All that's left now is the tutoring.


How annoying...

I'm supposed to meet Chiaki, Satsuki, and Maya at the library to study, but I've been followed for a while now. I thought they'd just give up after seeing me walk around the same two buildings for the umpteenth time, but they're proving rather tenacious. 

Still, I don't have all day. I turned the corner yet again, but this time, I stopped there in wait for my stalker, or rather, stalkers.


The startled bunch was comprised of Ishizaki and two male students who I assume are his classmates.

"Can I help you?"

"W-What are you talking about?"

"You've been following me for the last ten minutes. And please don't say it's just a coincidence. We've been going in loops around these buildings over and over again for no reason whatsoever."

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