Chapter 4

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While everyone was busy sulking, Ayanokouji-kun hurriedly left the classroom. I'm curious as to where he ran off to, and it seems I'm not the only one, as Horikita-san shortly followed suit. I considered following them to see what's going on, but something tells me I'll find out soon enough. Lo and behold, the class was informed that Sudou-kun's expulsion had been rescinded just minutes after being announced. Okay, now I'm really curious to know what went down behind the scenes. 

My two classmates didn't return to the classroom, so I'm gonna have to track them down if I want to get to the bottom of this.

"Hmm, they might have gone off somewhere at the moment, so it's probably best to try checking their dorms in the evening."

I headed to Ayanokouji-kun's dorm as the sun set since it's relatively close to mine and rang the bell upon my arrival. Luckily for me, I can hear approaching footsteps, so I made the right choice waiting.


"Oh, Morimoto-kun's at the door? Why don't you let him in?"

To my surprise, I found Kushida-san inside, as well as Horikita-san, Sudou-kun, Ike-kun, and Yamauchi-kun.

"Hi, I just need a moment of your time, Ayanokouji-kun. Could you step outside, please?"


He stepped into the hallway and shut the door behind him.

"Sorry to interrupt your little party."

"It's fine. What did you want to talk about?"

"Well, you see, I'm curious how you pulled it off."

"Pulled what off?"

"How did you prevent Sudou-kun's expulsion?"

"Horikita talked with Chabashira-sensei and was able to persuade her to reconsider the expulsion. I didn't really do much."

"You're quite charitable for letting Horikita-san and Kushida-san take credit for your hard work."

"I don't really see what Kushida-san has to do with this situation."

"I'm talking about the exam questions from past years. Oh, and don't bother denying it; I already got confirmation of this from Kushida-san herself. Don't worry, though, I squeezed it out of her; she didn't rat you out or anything."

"You're really keeping a close eye on me, aren't you?"

"I can't deny that I've taken an interest in you."

"Sorry, I'm not really into guys."

"A jokester, I see. No, but seriously, how did you pull it off? Did you bribe Chabashira-sensei or something?"

He reacted slightly to that statement.

"You... didn't actually bribe a school teacher... right?"

"Something like that wouldn't work here. Horikita and I bought the point Sudou needed to pass off of her. After all, private points can be used to purchase anything on campus."

So that's what that statement really meant.

"Hmm, interesting. That's a pretty valuable piece of information to have. Thanks for answering my question. I'll let you get back to your friends, then."

"We're celebrating the end of the midterms if you want to join us."

"I'm kinda tired, so I think I'll go rest in my dorm instead, but thanks for the invitation."

It may seem like an excuse, but I actually didn't get a lot of sleep last night. There was a documentary on cats that ran till like 2 A.M. which I ended up watching in its entirety. It would've been nice to join them, but it can't be helped. On the bright side, I actually got invited to hang out by someone, so that's nice.

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