How you meet

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Kara:You meet at the pit.You were the night's entertainment.You just finished your finale song so the main band could come on.You walked off the stage bumping into someone.You look up to see a blond in a blue jean jacket.”Why hello there.”She said with a smirk.Your face heated up.”umm--Hi can you put me down.”She put you down.”I’m Kara.I’ve never seen you here before.”She looked at you.”Yea I just moved here and my cousin is the lead in the the main band.I start school tomorrow at Metropolis high.”She smiled and put her arm around your shoulder.”Well looks like i’ll be seeing more of you.Here's my number text sometimes.See ya at school.”She winked and walked off

Diana:You worked at sweet justice with your brother Barry.You knew he had super speed while you had telekinesis and mind-reading.So you guys made a good team.You were at the cash register when some girls from your school came.You knew four of the six but your eyes landed on the dark blue haired.The 6 girls came up to the you to order.”The usually for you four?” you already knowing.”Yea and a (whatever they order) for them.”Zetana said.”Hello i’m Y/n”You said looking at the tall girl.”I’m Dinan Princes-Prince just prince!”You saw the girls signaling for her to stop.But you already knew what she was going to say but you didn’t want to freak her out. “Well here it’s my number text me sometime.”You said handing her your number.She grabbed the paper “How do I send messages with this.”She said looking at the paper.Jessica came over and grabbed Diana “Sorry about that she-uhh broke her phone but she’ll text you.”You chuckled “Alright Barry will be over in a few.”

Babs:You and her were friends from gotham.You two grew up together.You guys were a superhero duo in gotham.You having shadow manipulation.Meaning you can control shadows and can travel through them.You guys moved to metropolis together since you didn’t get along with your family.

Jessica:You were an aggressive person.You got in many fights.So the principal had enough and made you attend a anger control group.You were 15 minutes late your first day but you didn’t care.You walked in and the whole group turned to you.”So you must be y/n I’m Jessica Cruz the club president.You are late wanna talk about why.”She said with smile.You rolled your eyes “Yea-no sorry green bean but I ain’t doing this class I just have to come here so I don’t get expelled.”She walked up to you and grabbed your hand.”You look like you’ve had a tough time.I’m here for you i’m going to help you connect with your emotions.”Your face heated up but you pulled your hand away.”Fine-I better not have to sing kumbaya”She laughed.And took you to sit in a circle.

Karen:You were walking the halls when you heard Dorris the “meathead” as you called her. “Why are you hitting yourself,why are you hitting yourself.''Her voice boomed over everyone else.You say a smaller girl with a bee striped sweater.You knew her name it was Karen she was in your robotics club.You weren’t really a full nerd you also did track and lifted weights .So you went up to her to help the smaller girl.”Hey Dorris I heard that leslie is posting your little mishap in the gym.”You said pointing toward the opposite why.”WHAT THAT IDIOT BETTER NOT!” Her face was blood red recalling what happened.She ran past you shoving the younger girl down.You grabbed her hand before she fell.”You alright there Karen?” She nodded her head and hid it in her sweater.”Why-did umm help me-Not that I mind or anything its just-”You chuckled at her rambling.”It’s alright I just don’t like bullies.And I paid leslie 40$ to post Dorris dropping a light wight.”You smiled at that.You took a pen and a little wrapper in your pocket and wrote down your number.”Here call me sometimes we could hang out.”You hand her it to her and walk off.

Zee:You were a anti-socail.So when your cousin Jessica asked you to go out and meet her friends.You were very hesitant.”Come on Y/n they’ll love you!”She pleaded with you.”Jess you know i’m socially not there.”You are trying to talk her out of it.”Too late we’re here!”You guys stood in front of sweet justice.She dragged you in and took you to her group.You’ve seen them a bit at Jessica's place where you live with her.”Hey girls!”She sat down and you were just standing up.When a girl with purple hair poked your shoulder.”You can sit beside me.”You remembered her name was Zantna but everyone called her zee.”Oh–um thank you.”You sat and she started talking to you.You found her interesting she showed you some magic tricks.”Oh wait-jessica haven’t we seen them before at your house and didn’t zee say they were attractive.”Kara asked with a smirk.Your face flushed and so did zee’s.”Oh shush Kara.”Zee regained her poster and you guys started talking.Before you left she gave you her number and kissed your cheek.

Selina:You were walking in the hall when you felt someone walk beside you and pull out your wallet.You being a pick pocketer yourself turned around and pulled who ever it was to you.You say Selina.”Hi there I believe you have something of mine.”You pointed to her pocket.”I have no idea what your talking about.”She hissed.”Oh what a shame guess this pretty little thing is mine now.”You smirked holding out her necklace.She smirked “Your good~ I like you.”She gave back your wallet and you gave her the necklace.She winked at you and you opened your wallet to find her number.

Pamela:You worked at the community garden after school.You see the same red head come in all the time.You’ve had some conversations but you respected her boundaries.Learning her name was Pamela but uses Pam.Right now you were yelling at a group of boys who were cutting the flowers.”Leave the flowers alone go buy some at Walmart.”You said very annoyed.One of the boys rolled his eyes and started stepping in the flower bed of your moon flowers.They were kind of hard to come by in metropolis.The boys left after stomping a few more.You walked over to your flowers and teared up.Those flowers were a way for you to distract yourself.And now your works ruined.”What happened.”You heard a stern voice say.You looked back to see Pamela.”Some of the boys from  school came and messed up them.”You said trying to unbothered.You felt her sat beside you.She handed you a new moon flower.”How did you?”She cut you off “I learnt you liked them so here or whatever.”She looked away.You grinned “Thank you, do you wanna go on a walk sometime.”You handed her a business card with your home phone.She just nodded and walked off.

Harlynn:You meet her at a comic convention.You were a big joker fan.So when someone went for the same special edition comic you did you looked up to see a blond with blue and red highlights.You let go of the comic.”You can have it i’ll just buy it later.”You said turning around.”Wait!”she practically yelled.You looked back and she was inches away from your face.She pointed to your joker themed hoodie.”You like Joker too!”She said literally jumping up and down.You guys got in a long conversation about joker and other comic things.You guys spent the whole day together.At the end she gave you the comic with a paper inside that had her number.

(I think I spelled Harls name wrong)

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