Unlikely lovers

740 6 4

Love interest Zee


He/Him pronouns

Insight:You were a theater geek and a artist.No you weren’t like Oliver.You loved musicals and scenery.And you met Zee in your childhood.You two were complete opposites.Zee was outgoing and loved attention.You weren’t necessarily shy you just preferred the quiet and alone.You both grew up together.In your eighth grade year you both got together.You knew of her magic and what it truly was.You could manipulate the elements like water,light,earth,and many more. It was your first day of Highschool with your girlfriend Zee oh boy it was going to be interesting.

3rd pov:You were riding to Metropolis High with your girlfriend.Zee Zatara yes the awe inspiring,beautiful,and amazing Zee.You had no idea how you got with her you weren’t as outgoing as she was but you two made it work.You two were the complete definition of opposites attract.Zee always reminded you how much she cared for you.And you were always there so she could take a break from trying to be perfect.You were wearing a black t-shirt with a dark purple jacket covering and bluejeans that was cuffed with a purple tint.(Image above)Ever since you and Zee met she always dressed you in purple as she wanted to match.”We’re here kids!”Her dad tells you both.You get out and open the door for Zee.”Bye Daddy/Mr.Zatara.”You both smile at the old man.”Zee dear you forgot your bag!”Her dad yells at the window.She mumbles a spell then she has it in her hands.You saw some dead flowers you looked around and made sure no one was looking you waved your hand and made them bloom again.You pick them and hand them to Zee.”Thank you darling.”She kisses your cheek.You blush lightly but smile and take her hand.As you two were walking in the halls some started staring at you two not doubt at Zee.”Hey there pretty.”A male voice comes behind you two as Zee was at her locker.Zee cleared her throat “Can I help you?”She asks the dude.He smiles “Yea is this loser bothering you.”He points to you and you just glare.Zee steps in “Would you leave me and my BOYFRIEND alone thank you.”She shouts the the boyfriend part loudly.You just smirk as you were walking by you made the ground shake and he fell.You laughed “Thanks Zee.”You squeezed her hand.You both shared all your classes together thanks to Zee’s dad.You two were sitting at lunch.You were playing with Zee’s hair as she was talking to her fashion friends.All of a sudden someone hit Zee with a hamburger and the condiments went all over her and someone threw a tray which hit your head.Your lip busted but you didn’t care as you starting throwing food with Zee.(After being sent to detention) You were sitting beside Zee as you were helping fix her hair.”I hope you all have good attorneys.”Zee glared at the other girls(After meeting Diana) The girl in the purple hoodie popped up “I knew I knew I knew it! I knew you were super!”She was jumping up and down.You didn’t care till she pointed at you and Zee “When you had your bag in your hand! I was like that was weird! And you when those flowers grew back like magic! And that was cute when you handed it to her!”You were embarrassed but Zee kissed your cheek.”Hey Romeo and Juliet knock it off!”The blond shouts at you both and Zee glares at her.(Timeskip) You and Zee just made it to her apartment building as you both just left after the argument with your old team.”Ugh! I swear I should’ve never agreed!”Zee shouted as she threw her cape off.You noticed a cut on her arm “Zee come here.”She walks over to you still with a pout.You grab a bandaid on her dresser and put it on her.”I know luv it was a bad idea but I’m glad you’re ok.”You kiss her cheek as she blushes but leans into your chest.”I’m so glad I have you.”She smiles.You kiss her forehead all of a sudden her and your phone rings.You both groan as it was babs.You heard all the other girls on the line.After the call Zee looked over at you as asking if you guys should do this.You pulled her towards you into a kiss “Let’s go Zatanna.”You smile at her.(At the fight against Lena) You saw Zee about to get ambushed “Zatanna!”You grumble the ground that the robots were on.You run towards her and catch her as Lena hits her out the sky.”Zatanna! Are you ok!?”You pull her to your chest as she nods.You both get up and stand with the team.(After the fight)You and Zee were at a fancy restaurant that she reserved.”Darling, isn't this place beautiful!”She asked you as her eyes were sparkling.You laughed but nodded “It really is but you still outshine it.”You smiled at her as her face became red.She clears her throat but regains her posture as she looks at the menu “Thank you my dear.”You let out a breath “Zee..”She looks up from the menu to see you on one knee.''Zee Zatara you are the most beautiful and amazing girl I've ever met. You have been my best friend since childhood.I’ve always loved you.I believe you are my soulmate.I know we are only teenagers but I want this ring to be a promise that I will always love and treasure you like the diamond you are.”You looked up to see her smiling on the verge of tears.”Yes! Yes! A million times yes!”She tackles you into a kiss.You kiss her and it felt as if it was her way to conceal the promise.You knew you would have Zee in your life forever and you loved knowing that.

*Pt 2 coming soon!*

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