Who/how they confessed

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Kara:She did.You were hanging at her house.When your favorite song came on.”Kara! Dance with me.”You begged.She shook her head “Not gonna happen little bit.”she said using a nickname she gave you.”Please!”she couldn’t say no to your puppy eyes.”Fine-whatever.”You took her hand and you started dancing.You guys got into it and kara picked you up and spun you in the air.You laughed.When the song came to a end.Kara was staring at you.”I swear sometimes I wonder why I like you-”She realized what she said “Wait-I”You were a blushing mess but you took her hand “I wonder the same thing.”You both looked at eachother and bursted into laughter.

Diana:She did.You were just getting off your shift going to meet Diana and her friends.You arrived at the pier.You got a text it was from Diana  I’m at the hercules test hammer! You knew she was talking about the strength game near the end of the pier.You found her “Hey di”.You didn’t see the girls behind you giving Diana a thumbs up.”uh-Greetings!” you could tell she was nervous.You grabbed her hand “Di what's up with you?You’ve been acting differently.”She took a deep breath “Y/n..this feeling I have for you is strange.I feel as if Aphrodite herself has destiny for me to meet you.I feel as I would go through a trial of the gods for you.”She visible relaxed.It took you a minute to figure it out.”I would love to go on a date with you!”You grabbed her hand.”Hyza! Sisters, I did it!”You looked behind you to see all the girls cheering.

Babs:You did.You were hanging out in her bedroom.She was rambling about a new invention.You just smiled at her.God I fell for an adorable dork. “Who!? Who Did you fall for?!”Babs yelled over to you.You realized you said it out loud.You noticed her smile flatten a bit.You knew you couldn’t keep it a secret forever.Hell you two lived in the same house.You took a deep breath and walked over to her desk.”Babs..look we’ve been friends for years but everything about you is amazing and I want to be more than friends.”You said looking at the ground.You didn’t hear anything but as soon as you looked up she jumped on you.”Yes!Yes! Finally!”she squealed.You looked at her “So is that a maybe?”You laughed.She just hugged you.

Jessica:She did.You were having a day.You were over it in general.You got saturday detention because Hal Jordan wouldn’t stop talking and he is your table mate.You were going to see Jessica.You guys have been meeting in the library when she figured out you didn’t like talking in groups.You would never admit but you started enjoying Jessicas company a little bit.She never talked down to you or made you feel stupid by your actions.You saw her at your guys usually table in the back corner.You walked over to her.”Hey green bean.”You sighted.Jess could tell something was wrong.”What’s wrong Y/n you seem down.”You knew she would catch on she read you like an open book sometimes.”That idiot Hal Jordan since he is on the football team and they have a game saturday he dosen’t have to go to detention when he was the one distracting everybody!”You whispered-shouted.She put her hand on your shoulder.”How about after school today me and you go on a date to the pier?”She realized what she just said.”Wait-i mean.”She rambled.”I’ll see you at 4 then green bean and it’s a date.”You taunted playfully.You heard the bell and got up and smirked before you walked off.

Karen:Neither of you Karen's friends actually did.You had the same gym class as her and her friends.You were stretching and looked up to see karen looking at you.You sent her a smile.A few minutes later you looked up to see Zee,Kara,and Jessica.You smiled at them “Hey girls need something?” you asked.”You’ve been hanging out a lot with Karen.”Zee stated.You chuckled nervously “Umm..yea I have..Is everything ok?”You asked concerned.”You know Karen is shy and not very good at stating her feelings.”Jessica added in.You looked behind them to see karen,babs,and diana at the other side of the gym.You smiled at the thought of Karen “Yea I think it just makes her cute.”You said low hopefully the three girls in front of you didn’t hear you.Kara grabbed your wrist “Great to know!Now go ask her on a date she’s been talking our heads off about you.”She said bluntly.Your face heated up.”Kara! Be nice!”You heard jess yell.Next thing you know you were in front of karen.You chuckled nervously “Well..I guess I needed a push.Well Karen do you maybe wanna go out to the movies and watch that movie you’ve been talking about?”You asked hopefully.She hugged you “I would love to!”You smiled at her confidence.

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