How/when they kiss you and show pda

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Kara:She gives you hello/goodbye kisses every time you meet or part.She loves the way you smile when she does either of them.

Diana:Didn’t know how to at first.But when she figured it out with your help-She loves kissing your hand or forehead since she sees you comfortable with those.

Babs:She just kisses you all over your face when she’s excited.When you're sitting down she’ll just come over and kiss your cheek.

Jessica:She’ll mostly kiss your cheek.She knows you don’t do heavy pda in public.She knows your ok with holding hands and hugging.So when she sees your ok with it.She’ll do it just to see you try and hide your flustered expression.

Karen:She is not a big pda person.But if you're alone she’ll ask to kiss you.And when she does it’s loving and sweet.You love when she does cause she asks you confidently after a few months.

Zee:This woman kisses you everywhere and anywhere.You got very flustered at first hiding your face.But after a while you just blush and mumble a thank you.Which she thinks is adorable.

Selina:You both don’t care or where.She loves that people know your hers.And you guys are almost always with each other.

Pam:When you guys are alone.She’ll just kiss your cheek before you two part.Your ok with her quick kisses.After a few months she’ll hold your hand in public.

Harlynn:She just loves having you close to her.She’ll kiss your cheek or a quick peak if you two are about to part.She just loves showing affection.

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