Eco-Freak and drama queen pt2!

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Insight:You,Jess and Zee have kept your relationship secret not knowing how your friend groups would react.But they both get suspicious and follow you and they see you all on a date.

3rd pov:You were happy with Jess and Zee.But none of you knew how your friends would react so you decided to keep it on the low.”Y/n! Wanna go mailboxing?”Harls asked you excitedly.You were about to agree but caught yourself knowing you had a special thing tonight.”Sorry girls can’t tonight.”Was all you said before they could ask questions the bell rang.”Bye girls!”You turned on your heel exiting the school.With Jessica and Zee. “Sweet Justice!?”Babs asked jumping up and down.”Sorry girls, me and Jess won’t make it, we have a date.”Zee replied calmly as Jess was nervous about lying to her friends.Before any of them could ask a question the two left.”They have been going on dates a lot more.”Babs states as a bunch of theories were running threw her mind.(At the football field.)You were sitting under a tree playing your phone when your felt hands around your waist and someone's chin on your head.”Hey Zee.”You melted into her touch.After Zee let go Jess pulled you into a hug.”Hello to you to Jess.”You smiled.Zee was always the one to show the most affection to you both.Jess and you both got flustered easily even if you were too stubborn to admit it.”So where are we going?”You asked as it was Zees turn to decided.She smiled “Maybe stargazing.”Jess agerred.And you rolled your eyes playfully but nod.You,Zee and Jess went to some of your secret spots where not many people were.When night came along you all headed towards the park.You were running ahead of them “Come on loser!”You taunted playfully.Zee smirked as she snapped her finger and appeared in front of you.(You don’t know their heroes, you think it’s just a magic trick.)”How!?”You pouted.Jess laughed at your guys antics but also was going to talk to Zee about using her powers too much.Zee picked you up “Jess I got a little wasp!”Zee joked as you were flustered.”Jess tell Zee to put me down!”You were crimson.Jess just laughed “Alright calm down you two were here.”Wow!”You looked up into the sky seeing all the stars shining.You flicked Zee in the forehead and jumped off and turned to stick your tongue out.”You little!”Zee started chasing after you.Jess was laughing till you jumped onto her back.”Y/n!”She was losing balance.You and her both fell on the ground.Zee came over laughing “Well well looks like you fell for me all over again.”She taunted you both.You smirked pulling her down with you both.”Welp your one to talk princess.”You smirked at her red face.”Look how beautiful.”Jess was in awe looking at the sky.You all sat up with you in the middle.Zee put her head on your shoulder and Jess grabbed your hand.”Y/n!?”You all jumped when you heard your name from what sounded like a bunch of different people.You all jumped and turned to see your friend groups.You stepped forward and cleared your throat “Umm hey girls.”You hated when the glared at you.”Why are you with them!”Leslies shouted as she glared at Zee and Jess.Before you could answer Kara cut in “We could ask the same!”You turned to Zee and Jess for answers and they both just nodded.You took a deep breath “Weareallthreedating!”You shouted.Both groups stopped arguing with each other.”Come again?”Selina asked surprised.Your were red you felt a hand on each of your shoulders.You looked to see both Jess and Zee beside you.”We are all in a polyamours relationship.We didn’t know how you would react so we kept it to ourselves.”Jess replied to the groups.You took a deep breath as you expected your friends to leave you or try and make you leave them.''Ha! You all owe me twenty bucks!”Harlynn laughed towards her group.Your face became red “You betted!?”Harls smirk grew “Oh please tiny! It was so obvious you were down bad!”Your face was red “I swear!”You playfully glared at her.”Zee,Jess!? Why didn’t you tell us!?”Babs had a pout on her face.Kara walked up to you.You both just glared at each other Kara cracked her knuckles “Hurt either of them and you’ll wish you never met me.”Before you could react Zee flicked your forehead.You rolled your eyes “Whatever blondie.”You mumbled.Diana smacked the back of Karas head “Comrade Y/n we accept you as Jessica and Zee’s lover.”You smiled slightly.”Thanks prince.”On the other hand you saw your group looking at Jess and Zee.”Hurt them and it won’t end good.”Selina glared at the two.Jess nodded while Zee rolled her eyes.”Y/n.”You looked down to see Karen.You backed up you didn’t know how Karen would react.All of a sudden she pulled you into a hug.”M-maybe we can start hanging out again.”You smile and ruffle her hair “Sure.”Leslie broke the moment “We still are going to prank the hell out of them right?”You smirked back at her.”Of Course!”You felt Jess flick your head.

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