How they would react if you were in danger

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Kara:You and Kara were at Swett Justice on a date.When her phone rang.You knew she was supergirl but you weren’t super so you just stayed back.She told you to go hide with the rest of the civilians.You gave her a kiss on the cheek and went to hide.Before you could hide someone grabbed you from behind.You looked to see Catwomen.You tried to fight her grip but she brought her claws up to your throat.”Now now no need for that.Me and my friends just need you so we can do our business.”She lead you towards the bank.You guessed she was going to use you as a hostage.As soon as you and the villains entered everyone froze.You looked for an escape route.”Now don’t get any ideas sweetie.”Catwomen pulled you closer to her.All of a sudden the crowd started cheering.You looked behind to see the superhero girl.As soon as they saw their eyes widen.Supergirl looked at the villains with pure rage.”Let go of them now!”She cracked her knuckles.You saw the smirk on the villains faces grow “Ooo is this a friend of yours?”Catwomen asked, grabbing your chin.Before you could do anything she was tackled to the ground.Bumblebee ran over and took you outside away from everything “Alright stay here.We’ll be back.”You just nodded.After a few minutes the girls came back.Before you could get up Kara tackle you into a hug.”Are you ok?Did they hurt you?If they did I’ll go back and-”You just kissed her.”Kara i’m alright.”She just pulled you closer.For a few months she would always be beside you.Whenever the villains would be out she would leave you at the hideout.She was scared you would get hurt.So inclusion she is very protective so when she sees you in danger she acts out of rage and concern for you.So satan help the people who hurt you.

Diana:After she figured out that you had superpowers she asked you to join her team.So you all were patrolling when you heard an explosion.”Sisters and S/n (superhero name) we need to check that out!”You all nodded heading towards the noise.When you got there you saw Catwoman,Harely Quinn,and Poison Ivy.You used your telepathic powers to see what they were planning.Before you could act something wrapped around you.You saw vines “S/n !”You heard your girlfriend/leader yell for you.Poison Ivy had vines wrapped from head to your toes.Preventing you from telling your team the villains next move.Diana saw this and she sprung into action without a plan.She was determined to save you.The girls called out to her but she wasn’t having it.Her first objection right now was to make sure her y/n was ok.She made her way through the villains without hesitation or problem.As soon as she got to you.You saw the rage in her eyes.Even you were scared for the villains.”Let them go now if you don’t want to feel wrath worse the the gods!”You shivered at her tone.”No can do wonder girl.”Catwoman replied.In what seemed like a blink of an eye all the villains were down.She made her way over to you.Pulling you into a bone crushing (literally).”Love-I need-to breath.”She put you down.You saw her crying you pulled her back in to hug “I’m alright.”After that she didn’t let you go on a few missions but she gave in after you told her you’d be more careful.As soon as she sees your in any danger she's fast to act.Then she be more werry an protective around you.

Babs:You and Batgirl were heading towards the garden lab.As you two made it inside.You both made your way through.When you saw Poison Ivy.”Batgirl and S/n I thought I saw the last of you in gotham!”After that she went on about how gothoms nature is a lost cause.You both got into battle positions.Poison Ivy grabbed you by your ankle and threw you into the wall.”S/n!”Babs was panicking Posion ivy wasn’t her first priority now.You were.She threw some smoke bombs to distract her.”Hey!Hey are you alright?Can you fight?”She says checking everywhere for injuries.”I’m fine batsy.I’m just going to be sore in the morning.”You saw Ivy’s vines come towards you both.”Batsy!”Batgirl looked back and threw bat-a-rangs.You decided to slid through the shadows with Babs on your side.”Stay right here I’ll finish this!”You were about to disagree but she went off.After all that the next say she stayed beside you doctoring you.After that she's always next to you on every mission.When you're in danger she doesn't care about how or why she just wants to get you safe.And after that she’ll take care of you and be more careful on mission watching your back.

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