First argument

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Kara:She kept blowing you off. Everytime you would ask to hangout she would cancel at the last minute.She would say she was going to hangout with the girls or it was superhero stuff.You didn’t care knowing that her superhero work was important.But she has been doing it for the past month and a half.You were getting tired of it.”Hey little bit.”You look over to see Kara finally arriving at the cinema thirty minutes late.”Finally! Took you long enough.”You told her, rolling your eyes.She just laughed it off “Sorry the girls needed a meeting at sweet justice.”She told you going to grab your hand.You scooted back away from her “I’m gonna go home Kara I’ll see you later.”You turn to leave.She stood in front of you “Your going to blow me off! We haven’t hung out in weeks!”Her voice was rising.You stopped right there you weren't about to let it be blamed on you.”Excuse me!”You shout at her.She was taken back you’ve never yelled at her.”You blew me off Kara! Not the other way around!This is the first date you’ve shown up to in almost 3 weeks!”You point your finger in her chest.She looked taken back but she was too stubborn to apologize “I have work! Maybe if you weren’t so jealous of my job!”She screamed back at you.You had enough and pushed past her “Come find me when you actually care Kara!.” You walk out the cinema.Kara looked around seeing the looks she was getting “What are you looking at!”She yelled at the crowd as she left the building.

Diana:You got hurt on a mission and Diana was worried because she knew you weren't immortal.”Luv I am fine.”You tried telling her in the hideout.The girls were watching you both go back and forth.”Y/n you might be fine now but something could’ve gone wrong!”She said sternly.You knew she got protective over you but you both knew you risked this being a superhero.”Diana I’m still breathing!”You tell her trying to get up.She pushed you back down “If hades had his way you could’ve been extremely hurt or worse!”You flinched at her tone knowing she’s never been this mad.”Look I’m fine Diana we both knew this is a risk we take.But I am fine.”You try to plead with her.She takes a deep breath and looks at you “Y/n I don’t think you should be on the team anymore.”She can’t even look you in the eye.You quickly sat up “Diana you can’t be serious!”You look straight at her.She nods her head “I’ve made my decisions.It’s for the be-”You cut her off.”No! Diana you can’t.I like being on the team we both know the risk!”You were really upset.Diana just looked at you “I’ve made my choice Y/n.I am the leader of this team.”You got up from the couch ignoring Diana pleads for you to lay back down.”Fine! If you're so worried that you wanna kick me off the team you can also lose my number.”You say leaving the hideout.”Dear Y/n! Wait!”She tried to get your attention but you were gone.She started crying softly hoping the girls didn’t hear but she was already wrapped in a hug and the girls telling her they’ll help.

Babs:She was acting weird after your guy's best friend Harlynn from Gotham came to Metropolis.She was jealous of the way she and Harls were in two different groups when you fit into both groups.”Babsy wabsy! I’m gonna take n/n for the night!”Harlynn said to Babs at her locker.Babs didn’t say anything only nodded.After Harlynn left you saw Babs.”Hey hun.”You walk over to her.She turns and glares at you.You stop in your tracks not knowing why she was mad.”Wow what happened?”You went to touch her.She pushed your arms away.”You keep going off with Harlynn! Neither of you are inviting me!” She yells at you.A crowd started gathering.”Babs it’s not my fault you don’t get along with her group and she doesn't yours.”You saw trying to reason with her.”Well maybe start hanging out with your girlfriend!”She yells at you.You were starting to get annoyed she wasn’t even hearing you out.”Barbra will you please just listen!”Your eyes are glowing lightly so people don’t notice.”No! You keep running off with her! You chose her over me when she was my friend first!”You hit the locker beside you gaining everyone's attention.”Fine I won’t hang out with either of you if it makes you happy.”You turn around walking off.Babs felt really bad after what she said.She walked off trying not to cry in front of a crowd.

Karen:She has been distant lately.You just brush it off thinking her anxiety must just be up.You look over to see Karen with her friends.She looks over at you and quickly looks away.Usually she would give you a smile. You just shrugged it off and started walking to your last class of the day.During class your phone vibrated.It was from Karen “Can we talk later?Please.”You sighed to yourself but replied with a yes.Hoping she would tell you what's wrong.After class you went outside to see Karen sitting on a bench.”Hey hun.”You said sitting down next to her.You say her fidgeting and bouncing her leg.”Whats wrong Karen you’ve been acting different?” You mumbled to where only she could hear.You saw her take a deep breath.”I-Umm-I thin-I think we should take a break.''She whispers.You were taken back, you thought everything was fine and we two were happy.”What-WHY!?”You stand up quickly.”Y/n..I just think..”You cut her off “So this is why you were being distant! You were planning to do this for a long time!”You shouted holding back tears.”Please Y/n just hear me out.”She pleaded with you.You didn’t say anything you stood up and left her at the bench with tears in her eyes.

Jessica:You had a horrible day.You failed some exams,got in fights,and you have detention for a whole week.And on top of all that Hal Jordan is flirting with Jessica.You kept seeing him show off and try to make Jessica flustered.You hated it and the worst part is Jessica doesn't want you say anything so it doesn't cause a fight.So you felt a little hurt.You were walking down to the cafeteria from your previous class.When you stepped in you say Hal and his friends around Jess’s table.You clenched your fist and teeth and stomped all the way over there.”So Jess I was wondering you,me and the movies.”Hal says giving her finger guns.”Hal-No.”Jess says trying to turn back around to eat her food.”Hey douchebag! Leave my girl alone.”Hal turned to see you and saw you were fuming.”What do you want L/n?”He asked in a snarky tone.You pushed past him and turned to face him.”I want you to leave before I get a longer detention.”You state sternly.Hal laughs “I don’t see what Jess sees in you.Your so not her type.”He says cockly.You snapped and grabbed his collar and threw him on the ground.You two started going back and forth before you felt someone pull you off.You look back to see Diana and Kara has Hal.”Both of you stop!” Jess yells standing in the middle of you two.”Girls take Hal to the nurse while I’ll talk to Y/n.”The girls nodded Diana letting you go.You straighten up your collar.”Y/n! What was that about!”She yells at you.You glare “I was standing up for you Jess.”You reply coldly.She sighs “I thought we worked on this!”She puts her hand on your shoulder.”You know I hate violence.”You push her hand off “Well maybe if you didn’t allow him to flirt I wouldn’t have done nothing! And if you hate violence so much stop talking to me.Because that's how I deal with anger.”You look her straight in the eyes walking pushing her aside.

Zee:You really didn’t want to go to a party but Zee was determined to get you to go.”Babe come on!”She was pleading with puppy dog eyes.”Zee you know I don’t do parties.”You replied timidly afraid to upset her.She just rolled her eyes “You're fine you never do anything with me!”Her voice is rising.” You just looked away feeling a little guilty. It was true you’ve only ever gone to a few parties with her but you couldn’t help it that you hated them.”Zee,darling I just don’t like parties and I ran out of my meds and my anxiety is easily triggered without them.”She just scoffed “Whatever! I'll just go with Oliver! Or the girls.”She yelled her eyes glowing from anger.You felt hurt you knew she didn’t really like Oliver that much but everyone thought they would make a good couple.And she knew you were insecure about that.Tears were now slipping from your face “Fine.If thats what will make you happy go with them.”You turn and leave the building tears now falling.”Y/N!” Zee smacked her head.

(Ill do the villians in the next chapter)

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