Bitter vigilante

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she/her pronouns

Babs x Reader

Insight:You are bruce wayne's daughter aka batman.You ran from gotham when you got tired of your dad being so different.In his normal citizen from he was rude and selfish but as his hero persona he wanted justice and all good.But both of his sides always put pressure on you.By either giving the Wayne’s a good name or by training you till your like him.And you heard batgirl who’ve you met and talked to a few times on patrol was now in metropolis.But after you ran away on one night you say the super hero girls go into a fight with well-known villains so you stepped in.Unlucky to you your father was called by the commissioner.

Noones pov:Here you were your Mara vigilant persona.Your name means bitter.Which you thought described your motivation for helping others.”I swear nights like these are boring.”You mumble to yourself.Sitting on the rooftop looking over your new found home metropolis.After you left your home in gotham from your father Bruce Wayne or as only a few know Batman.You were going to be better then both of his persona.By acting in fair and justice in and out of your vigilante persona.Out of your persona your name was Y/n.Most knew you as a leader.You were kind and determined person.Not much changes when your Mara you just use violence more often.You look over and see the super hero girls jumping from some buildings few miles from you.”This just got interesting.”You smirked to yourself and started following the group.You hide around the corner seeing them land in the middle of a street.You saw villains you’ve came in counter with before.Such as Catwomen,Harley Quinn,and Poison Ivy.You watched as wonder woman gave her usually speech trying to get the villains to see their wrongs and stop.You admired her for always giving options before restoring to violence.”How many times have we beat you this month?”You looked at batgirl as she taunted the villians.You’ve talked to her back in gotham when they went on patrol.You really liked her as a person but you would always be sarcastic or change the subject when she brought up your dad luckily she didn’t know you were his kid.You decided to see how this would lay out.You stayed back but as you saw livewire trying to attack from behind you stepped in.You didn’t have an exact superpower but you always said yours was to make fights fair.You quickly tackle her to the ground before she could throw her electricity.”Mara!?”You heard the hero group yell back at you.”Hello there girlies! Just thought you all don’t want to be fired.”You point to the know unconscious live-wire under you.”Always ruining our plans superbrats.”You hear catwoman say as she got out of Karas grip.You roll your eyes “Yes another day ruined by something called responsibility.”You mocked her.You crack your knuckles “Let's get this over with.” You stand with the superhero girls.(Timeskip)You were helping Batgirl up from the ground after you all finally had them in custody.”That was fun.”Batgirl smiled.You couldn’t help but laugh “Agreed but I must go see you girls!”All of a sudden you see a car pull up.”Wait! We want to see who helped us get these villains.”You heard a familiar male voice say.You look back to see commissioner Gordon.”Well now you’ve seen me.I’m leaving.”You try to leave before he notices who you are.”Mara!?”You hear the older man yell.You stop in your tracks knowing you can’t leave just yet.You turn back “Hello Mr.Gordon.”You look at him from behind your mask.”Why aren’t you in gotham?”You didn’t know how to respond.”That’s a good question.''You heard a monotone voice say.You freeze and you felt your fist clench.”Batman.”You hear all the girls gasp and Batgirl squeal.”Hello Batman.”You choked out hating saying that name.”You aren’t supposed to be here.Your suppose to be home.”He takes a step towards you.You rolled your eyes “I am.”You retorted standing your ground.”We’re leaving.”He goes to grab your arm.You sweep his legs out from under him.”Sorry I don’t think you heard me father.I am home.”Your voice low and threatening.You ignored the gasp from the people around you.He gets up “Stop acting childish.You are not trained enough to be on your own.”His voice still showing no emotion.You laughed “Oh really.I managed to catch villains who’ve always escaped you.”You taunted him.You saw his glare on you deepen.All of a sudden Batgirl grabs your shoulder “His your dad? Why? You should be with him!”She squeezed your shoulder.You shrugged it off not wanting to face her right now.”I am not going with him.He isn’t a hero.He can’t even act the same as a civilian.He’ll never be my hero.”You exclaimed to the masked man in front of you.”I’ll be taking my leave.Goodbye girls,comensier,..batman”You said the last name with venom in your tone.You ignored the girls calls for you and the slight look of sadness on your fathers face.You left and made your way on top of one of the tallest buildings in metropolis.You threw your mask down in frustration.”Why! Why did he show up! Ugh! I hate him and his stupid secret identity.I hate my identity.”You gripped your arms tight, your nails digging in your skin.”Y/n..”You immediately grabbed your mask.”Mara it’s mara.”You turned to see..batgirl.Your breath tighten as you realized she saw who you were.”Y/n..what happened back there.”She made her way over to you.You immediately looked away.”A family reunion.”You replied with sarcasm lacing your voice.”Why didn’t you tell me?”She grabbed your face making it level with hers.Your eyes widened as you saw your best friend Barba Gordon.”Babs..”You said barely above a whisper.You saw tears threatening to leave her eyes.You were lucky Babs never met your father back in gotham and you had a different last name so you knew his identity was safe.”Why so I could have my best friend start obsessing over my dad without even knowing him behind the mask.”Your eyes looked away from hers trying to hold back your own tears.”Y/n your my best friend..I want to know if your ok.”She pulled you into a hug.As soon as you felt her embrace tears spilled.”I’m alone babs.I don’t have a family no more.”Her grip on you tighten.”Y/n you have me! And the girls if you want to show your identity.Your my hero in and out of the mask.”You couldn’t help but smile in her chest.She cupped your cheeks and pulled you into a kiss.”Wow.”You whispered as she let you go.”I’ve liked you for a while since gotham.”Babs face was flush at her the action she just did.You just smiled pulling her into a hug.”Your my hero babs not him.” 

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