Super fan

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She/her reader


Platonic Kara x Child reader

Insight:You are Zee's younger sister.You could somewhat control your magic.It was powerful but strong emotions can make your powers a little intense.So you were often compared to Zee by your father and her friends.Besides her friend Kara you you grew to like.You knew your sister as the hero Zatara but you didn’t know any of the heroes identities that she fought with.You had suspicions but you couldn’t compare your sisters friends to your favorite hero team.But your favorite hero was Supergirl.So when you and Zee were out together and something went wrong.Surprisingly your favorite hero came to comfort you.

3rd pov:You were Y/n Zatanna, younger sister of the amazing Zee.You loved your sister and looked up to her but you hate getting compared to her.Today Zee was taking you out to spend time together.”Zee don’t let Y/n’s powers get out of control!”Your dad told his oldest daughter as he gave her a hug.You frowned at the sentence you knew you were a strong magic user for your age but you hated people thinking you couldn’t handle it.”Of course daddy!”Zee squeezed your hand as a comfort.Your dad ruffled your hair “Have fun Y/n dear.”You smiled at him “Come on Zee!”You started pulling your sister.You both were walking around town some people would stop and talk to your sister as she was popular around town.You looked up in the sky to see your hero! Supergirl you looked to see an older looking man who looked like he was coping with supergirl.Copycat!You thought about the man who was talking to her.”Zee!Zee!”You started pulling on your sisters sleeve.She turned to you “What y/n?”You pointed to the sky and Zee looked to see Ka-supergirl up there with her cousin.”Look that man’s coping supergirl!”You tell your sister.You sister laughed a little she was going to be sure to tell Kara that later.You and Zee made it to sweet Justice.”Zee I’m gonna go to the bathroom.”You yell back to your sister as you run off.”Y/n!”Zee yells at you but rolls her eyes and laughs.”Zee!”She turned to see all her friends, even Kara who must’ve got done talking to superman.”Hey girls!”She waved over to them.”What are you doing in town?”Jess asked her.Zee smiled “Spending time with Y/n.”The girls all awed.Kara looked up “Where’s the little energy ball?”Kara called you that because you were always up moving around or practicing magic.”In the restroom.She saw you talking to superman.”Zee looked at her kryptonian best friend.Kara rolled her eyes “Let me guess she asked about him?”Zee laughed. “Actually she said he was coping with supergirl.”Kara’s smile grew again.Zee sat down and sighted “Me and my dad thought if I can bring Y/n into public more she could control her emotions a little better and not lose control.”Zee told her friends truly.They all smiled sadly till Diana spoke up.”Well young Y/n will learn to be just as great a sorcerer as you Zee!”Kara just looked back to her friends about to speak till she was cut off.”You only brought me out to control my emotions.”All the girls turned to see a crying Y/n.Zee stood up “Y/n that’s not the only reason!”Zee started making her way towards her sister.Y/n started crying “Yes it is! Zee ever since it started happening you and everyone else want me to be just like you!”You ran out of the store.”Y/n!”All the girls shouted.”Ugh! She’s emotional and she might hurt someone!”Zee was panicking.Kara stood up “Or herself!”They all ran out into an alley to transform.''Sisters! Move out!”They all started searching for the little magic user.Kara was looking everywhere.When she came to the park she looked down from the sky to see Y/n under a tree with dark purple magic surrounding her hands.Kara slowly made her way towards the little one.”Hey kid.”You didn’t hear her as you were mumbling to yourself “Calm down! Calm down! Think like Zee.”You were crying.Kara heard everything with her super hearing.”Kid.”Her voice raised slightly.Your head shot up “S-supergirl.”The magic left your hands as you went to dry your tears.”Your sister sent us to find you.”She made her way over to you.You looked to the ground “Sorry for causing you trouble.”You hated that this was the way you meet your hero.”Eh it’s no problem.So what happen?”She asked you.You let out a sigh “It’s just my sister is so amazing and I’m just starting to learn the magic tricks and everyone is already telling me to be like her.”You looked back to the ground.Kara knew exactly what you meant as she was always compared to superman.She done something she rarely does and pulled the young kid into a hug.”It’s alright kid.I’m always here if you need to talk.”You could barely contain the excitement of being hugged by your hero.She stood up and smiled at you.”Come on kid let's have some fun!”She put you on her back.”Hold on!”She started flying in the sky.”Wow! This is fun!”You were holding onto her laughing.A few minutes your laughter stopped.Kara looked back to see you asleep.She smiled but made her way to the girls.”Y/n!”Zee was crying but smiled when she saw her sister sleeping in her best friend's arms.”Thank you Kara!”Zee smiled at the blonde.She took a deep breath “Zee lighten up on the kid.She’s new to all this magic stuff.”Everyone was shocked that Kara actually gave advice that didn’t involve a violent way.Zee nodded and pulled her into a hug.Y/n now had herself a superfan which was her favorite superhero Supergirl.

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