Dont need to heal

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Super hero girls x Reader

Insight:You and the girls got back from a huge brawl with the villain.You power being an increase of senses.Such as heightened taste,touch,eyesight,and hearing.And also means your reflexes were higher then most.So during the battle you tried to take as many hits for the girls you could.But you never let it show as you knew the girls would need someone to help them heal and patch them up.

Noones pov:You were practically carrying babs body weight on top of yours.As you knew her and all the others were exhausted from the previous fight.You all finally made it to the hideout and layed babs down on the coach as you and jess went to grab the first aid kits.It was oddly quiet usually the hideout was had some noise never it being this silent.”Are you alright Y/n?”Jess broke the silence.You gave her a smile you’ve practice since joining the team and even before hoping it was convincing.”Yea I’m alright Jess.The girls and you need some attention tho.You all got hit pretty hard tonight.”You gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze.Jess knew you had been hit way more then all of them tonight.But she didn’t know how to confront you about it.You went back to the lounge area taking out the bandages and medicines.”Thank you dear Y/n.”Diana gave you a smile as you were cleaning up some scratches.You laugh lightly “It’s fine D someone needs to clean you girls up.”Jess was off to the side helping Zee so you didn’t hear her “What about you?”Jess mumbled under her breath hoping no one heard her.”What did you say Jess?”Zee asked her noticing her worried gaze on you.Jess’s expression all of a sudden turned into determination.She leaned towards Zee's hear but remembered your hearing so she sent Zee a text that read “Team meeting tell the other beside Y/n.”

-Next day-

Jess was impatiently waiting for the other girls hoping Zee got the message to them all and you didn’t know anything about it.”Dude what is this about?”She turned to see Kara dragging herself in there with her arms crossed behind her head.”And-uh why isn’t Y/n here?”Karen asked as she hated keeping secrets from her friend.Jess take a deep breath “It’s about them actually.I’m worried.”She noticed soon she had all of the girls undivided attention.It was no secret you were one of the major rocks in the group.You always were there for them either as civilians or superheros.From listening to babs rant about superheroes.Going to protest with Jess.Going with Kara on patrols she didn’t want to.Training with Diana.A makeover from Zee.And comforting Karen when she needed it.”What’s up with them?”Babs' voice laced with a uncommon amount of concern.”Yea you seemed out of it last night.”Zee pointed out to her vegan friend.”You all notice how they usually take any hits for use they can.But using their enhanced reflexes.But I can’t recall me every patching them up.”Jess hopes they all caught onto what she was trying to say.”Come to think of hit neither have I.”Karen pointed out soon all of the girls noticing none of them have ever patched you up.”Why don’t we just go to them and ask if they are hurt.”Kara asks trying to keep her no care attitude.”Friend Y/n would always come to us.Wouldn’t they?”Diana looked at her team searching for answers.Kara ground “Enough waiting around lets go!”She stood up making a beeline towards the door.”Kara!”The other yelled after her but followed nonetheless.You were sitting up on your bed unwrapping your old bandage.Trying not to wince and hiss at the pain with any amount of pressure applied to the wounds.You had to hold yourself from flinching when you saw the dark purple bruise around your ribs.You had no doubt in your mind one of your ribs might be fractured or chipped but you shrug it off knowing it’ll heal on its own in time.You went to grab the new bandage when your door flew open.You quickly tried to grab your tank top or a cover but stopped when you felt yourself hiss at the fast movement of your body.Which was apparently to much for your bruised body to handle.”Oh my hades.”You looked up to see your friends all with shocked faces.Some looked anger while others more concerned.But you could tell they all had a hinge of disappointment in their eyes.”When were you going to tell us!?”Kara threw her hands up quickly, motioning towards your beaten body.You let out a shaky breath “It’s not important I’ll heal on my own.”You try to go back to wrapping yourself but you feel the bandages quickly torn from your hands.”This is not ok!”Zee glared at your body despite her glare,you could  hear the worry in her voice.”Babs you and Karen go find some medicine.While Kara and Zee go find some clothes and a warm washcloth.Me and Diana will stay here and clean them up.”Jess voice was soft but had a firm undertone to it.The girls quickly departed going to get their jobs done and back to their friend.Jess took the seat beside you remaining quiet while Diana kneeled in front of you.”Friend Y/n why didn’t you tell us of your state.You continued to train even with your body never being properly healed after our battles.”Diana’s voice was scolding but there was no harshness in her words.”I heal Diana and you girls have your fair share of battle scars already.”You state still not able to look up from the now so interesting ground.”You also have scars! And by the looks of it more than any of us! You can’t just neglect yourself when you are obviously in a state of need!”You turned to see Jess with noticeable tears.You never heard her raise her voice that much even if it wasn’t a lot it was coming from Jess.Before you could speak Zee came in with some sweatpants and what looked like and oversized shirt from the looks of it and size was probably Karas she had left over.Kara had a washcloth and a bag of chips.Kara placed the rag in Jess’s hand slipping behind you carefully laying right behind you.Zee put the clothes on the edge of the bed taking another spot behind you but lifting Kara’s head to put in her lap.You still refusing to met any of their eyes as you saw Babs and Karen walk in with medicine and water.Jess sighted “Thank you girls.We aren’t finished Y/n.”She finishes wrapping you with Diana’s help then gives you some medicine to help ease the pain along with water.Jess handed you the clothes as you headed to change.When you came back out they all had made a group pile on your bed.Karen laying on Diana’s shoulder with Babs leaning on her.While Zee and Kara stayed the foundation of the pile from the back.And Jess laying her head on Diana’s unoccupied shoulder patted her lap for you.You finally met her eyes being met with a concerned instead of the disappointment you thought would be there.You made your way over sinking into the warmth and familiarity you called your friends.”Next time come to us about your injuries.”Jess says to you in a caring tone.”Or about anything!”Karen pops up from Jess’s shoulder to comfort you.You just smile as you soon find your self in a comfortable silence with your girls and soon feeling yourself drift off to sleep.

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