Never cared

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Kara x Reader

Insight:You're Zee's sister and yur dating Kara Danvers.You start to noticing a few odd beahviors.And you discover something you wish you didn't.

Y/n Pov:I’m hanging out with my girlfriend Kara Danvers at sweet justice. She's one of my sister Zee's best friends.We were sitting there and talking about random stuff like our days and junk. Kara’s phone buzzed and she turned the screen away from me and started texting. I won’t lie, she's been really distant from me here lately. She gets up and kisses my cheek “Love ya loser I need to go.” I saw her phone laying on the booth.She forgot about it. I picked it up when the notifications came on and there's a contact that popped up that said “My princess<3” I froze when I recognized the number. Let’s have a little visit.

Kara’s pov:I got to zee’s house and the other girls were there too.Don't get me wrong I love y/n but I also love zee and I still haven’t broken up with y/n. And zee told me to just tell them when i’m ready. I hope they don’t find out till then. “Kara don’t you think y/n will be heartbroken if he finds out?” Karen said shyly as she hid her face in her bee striped sweater. I just rolled my eyes. “I will break up with them ok Karen just when I think they lost feelings and trust me they’ll never find out.” I say as I ruffle Karen's hair. I walk over to zee and flirtatiously say”Hey princess.” Zee just rolled her eyes and laughed “Come here you big bafon!” All of a sudden the wall caves in Zee's room. And I looked up and saw y/n. Their once blue magic is now demon black and their whole aura is demonic. “Babe!? Wha-” I stop talking as y/n throws my phone towards me.Shit i must have forgotten it at sweet justice. “Y/n I-” They waved a spell towards me and I flew back. 

Y/n:I felt so much rage inside me as I figured out kara is cheating on me with my sister! I know my dad always told us not to use our magic when we are mad cause it turns dark. But I just let it take over. I threw Kara back and she hit a building. I saw my sister Zee look up at me “Y/n I'm sorry!” I threw a spell towards her to glue her mouth shut. I float down to the now destroyed bedroom.The girls all get into fighting positions. I just roll my eyes and say a spell and gravity increases on the girls. I used my magic to drag Kara back. I choked back my tears “You never cared did you kara you just wanted me sister!?” venom filled my voice. I drop my spell and the girls get up. I start floating to the huge hole in the wall. “Where are you going.''Zee's friend/leader Diana yells at me. I stop and chuckle and look back with tears in my eye “Away from you all oh and wonder women I quit the team but don’t worry I won’t rat you at after all where’s the fun in that.”And I leave them standing there all with a face of regret.

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