Eco-freak and Drama Queen

753 17 4

Love interest:Jessica and Zee

Insight:You are Karen’s sibling but you're nothing like her.You cold,stubborn,and blunt.So you were usually around Selina and her crowd.But you were always there for Karen.But you two started distancing when she got with her new group.You didn’t really like any of the girls but you two favorite people to tease was Jessica Cruz and Zee Zatera.One day you get partnered up with not just one but both of them.

3rd pov:You were sitting with Selina and her crew.Which you have gotten close with the girls.They were consider the mean kids but that wasn’t all the way true.Pam was quiet but blunt and stood her ground.Harlynn just liked having fun and chaos.They all had more than what people thought.Even Doris at first you liked her least as she always picked on your sister Karen Becchers.But you asked her to calm down at first but now Karen basically ignores you so you told Doris just not to go overboard.''Hey tiny!”You looked over at Harlynn that was her nickname for you as you were shorter then her but taller than Pam.You rolled your eyes at the nickname “Yes Harls.”The blonde skipped over to you “Wanna help me with a prank on our favorite goody to shoes girls!”She had a mischievous look in her eyes.You smirked and looked back at your friends “Girls?”You ask as they all smiled and nodded.You all started your way to the lunchroom.When you arrived you saw Karen’s group.You immediately notice the two you disliked the most in the group.Jessica Cruz as you always thought she was to peppy and always trying to get people to open up even strangers.And Zee Zatanna she got on your nerves as she was always showing off and you called her a daddy’s girl.Yet you loved teasing the two the most.”Y/n! I need you to distract them!”Harlynn started shaking you.You smiled this is what you were good at chaos.You loved teasing and causing problems with other students.You smiled “Of course.”You turned and started walking towards the group.Kara was the first one to notice you.You saw her glare your way trying to scare you off but you just smiled at the punk blonde.You wrapped your arm around your sister “Hey there sis.”You notice all the glares the girls sent you.Karen was nervous well more nervous then usually.”H-hey Y/n.”She hide her face in her sweater.”What are you doing here.”Zee’s voice laced with hate.You just smiled “Can’t I talk to my sister miss.magicn?”Jessica cleared her throat “Of Course you can!”You notice the strain in her voice when she is kind to you.”Well if it isn’t my favorite Eco-Freak.”You winked at her.Kara stood up “Look  you talked to Karen now leave.”Her glare harding.You smiled seeing Harlynn with a waterhose (It’s the first thing I came up with ok!).You smiled “Alright Alright be careful tho I heard it’s supposed to rain.”You turned and started walking off.All of a sudden you heard the girls gasp and turned around to see them all soak and wet.They all turned and glared at you.You started laughing “I did warn you!”You turned and gave Harlynn a high five.(Skip to your next class)You were passing around a paper ball in your science class with Harlynn.”Alright kids we have a project over the human anatomy we will work in groups of three..”You look at Harls who wraps her arm around pam who looked annoyed.”I have already assigned your groups.”You groan along with the rest of the class.You weren’t listening till yu you heard your name “L/n lets see I’ll put you with Miss Cruz and Zantana as your grades need the help.”You immediately lock eyes with the teacher standing up “Yea sorry no.I’m not working with Eco-freak and Drama Queen.”Youglare at your teacher.Your teacher sighs “L/n if you don't I will expel you.”You roll your eyes but sit back down.As the teacher explained the project.You got up and were about to head off as the  teacher cleared her throat.”L/n I would like a word with you and your partners.”You clench your fist but turn towards the teacher.You saw the cocky grin Zee had on her face.”I know you will try and not do this project.But I have arranged for you to met with this girls in the library for an hour for two weeks.And it will require out of school participation.”She looked straight at you.You sigh “Fine.”You turn to leave but the teacher clears her throat “And L/n I will be contacting your parents about the assignment.”Your jaw clenched as you knew you weren’t able to get out of this now.You nodded but walked away before another word could be said.You saw Harlynn and your crew waiting in the hallway.''Did you really get paired up with cruz and Zantana.”Lesilie asked you as she was laughing along with Doris.You roll your eyes ''Ugh! Don’t remind me but now I have to meet them in the library an hour each day for two weeks! And my parents now so now I have to do it outside of school.”You punched the locker out of frustration.Harls grabs your wrist “Calm down there tiny!”You breathe out but nod.The bell rings and Selina looks back at the group “Sweet Justice?”You all let out words of agrement.As you all were exiting the building you felt someone grab your wrist.”Who the-”You stopped when you saw Karen.You sight “What.”You wanted to leave now.You turn to the girls as they stopped you sigh “Go on I’ll meet you there.”They all nod but glare at Karen she freezes in fear.”What Karen I was busy.”You look down at your sister as you were only three inches taller than her.”Umm-well-”You grunt “Hurry!”You shout.She squeaks in fear “Igavejessicandzeeyournumberfortheproject!”It took you a moment to process but you realized what she said “KAREN! WHAT THE HELL!?”You were growing more agitated by the second.Karen got pulled away from you you looked up to all of her friend.You roll your eyes “What do you wannabes want.”You were trying not to cause a scene as you didn’t want to get expelled.Zee stepped up she looked down at you with a smug grin “Well we have a project to start and you’ll be with me and Jess for a while today.”She gave you sicking sweet tone that you knew was fake.You laughed “Sorry but no.”You were about to walk when Jess was in front of you.”Look we know we don’t get along but we need to do this project.”You had a small blush on your face as you were between the two girls you put your head in you elbow as if you were about to sneeze trying to hide it.”W-whatever.”Jessica smiled at you as Zee smirked.You were about to walk away as Zee grabbed your arm and started dragging you with Jessica in front of her “Bye girls!”You were looking at the ground trying not to let it get to you.You slid your arm away from her.”No touching.”You glared at her as you walked in front.You noticed Zee and Jessica holding hands you stopped and looked at them.”You two are dating?”You asked genuinely curious.Jessica turned red as Zee turned around protectively “You have a problem.”You rolled your eyes “Chill Drama Queen just a question.”You turned back and kept walking, surprising both girls as you didn’t make a joke or anything.”They are cute together-WAIT did I just call them cute-Stop!”You smacked your forehead as you were genuinely surprised by your thoughts.”You good?”You heard Jessica call towards you.”I’m fine.”You kept walking forward.(A week and half time skip!) You have two more days till your projects are due.And you’ll never admit it but you started tolerating the girls.You actually helped put some of it together.But lately the girls have been distancing from you.Barley talking unless it was necessary or a question.You wouldn’t show it but you were honestly hurt.You were hanging out with Selina and the girls when you felt a tap on your shoulder.You looked behind you to see a girl.She was pretty you wouldn’t lie.”Umm-sorry if this is weird but do you maybe want to go out sometime?My name is Indigo.”You felt your face heat up as you were just flustered by the state of getting asked out.As you were about to answer you felt someone grab your wrist.You looked back to see Zee and Jessica.Zee looked anger while Jess looked a mixed of anger and anxious.Before you could say anything Zee took you to a storage closet.She drug you in as Jess locked the door.”What the hell Zatanna!?” I was about to get asked out!”You shouted at her.She made her way over to you “We need to talk.”You were pissed.After getting close they started ignoring you and now they want to talk.”You want to talk now?! After getting me to be nice to you both.And making me feel ok with you both.You ignore me unless you need something but now-NOW!?You want to talk!”You felt the tears pricking your eyes. You didn’t want to cry, especially in front of them.You tried pushing your way past but Jess pulled you into a hug.”L-Let go!”You wanted to leave but Jess held you tighter.You don’t know why but the hug felt nice and comforting and you found yourself crying.Zee joined the hug.”We’re so sorry Y/n.We never meant to hurt you.”You heard Jess tell you.Zee took a deep breath but turned you around.What she did next surprised you she kissed you! In Front of her girlfriend before you could react Jess did the same thing.You were crimson “What!?”You were confused but part of you was happy.Zee took a deep breath “We sorry for ignoring you.But we both started catching feelings for you a while ago and it scared us.”Zee hated admitting when she felt weak.Jess put her hand on Zee’s “We thought we would lose each other so we did the horrible decision of ignoring you but ours feelings only grew.”You coudln’t help but laugh.Zee was taken back “Hey! We were being serious!”You calmed yourself down “I can’t believe this I feel for the eco-freak and drama queen.”You kissed both their cheeks which now was their turn to be red.Zee smirked “And we feel for the tiny wasp.”She kissed your forehead.

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