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She/her amazon reader

Love interest:Diana

Insight:After Diana's confrontation with her mom on the ship.And the queen allowing her to stay in the world of men.She assigned you to watch over the princess and write to her what you have seen.So you soon go undercover at Diana's school.In which you catch her attention as she thought she had seen you somewhere before.She started noticing your behavior was just like hers when she first arrived so you both get close.What would you do if both the princess and the Queen find out things you’ve been hiding.

3rd pov:Here you were watching your ship leave the amazon princess in the world of men.You have always found the princess captivating but as just a stealth warrior you never made any approach to her.”Y/n.”You immediately knell when you hear the Queens voice.”Yes your highness?”You felt her put a hand on your shoulder “You are on of the most stealthiest amazons I have ever trained.You are to stay in the world of men to watch and protect your princess.And report to me of anything that happens to my daughter.”Her grip tighten at the last sentence.You shook of your nerves as they were a sign of weakness.”Yes your highness.”You stood up and bowed.She sent you a victorious smile.”Amazons! Ready a boat for Y/n!”She turned as she instructed the fellow warriors.As you made your way to the ship the amazons were all kneeled wishing you luck as you went off.(Timeskip) You finally pulled enough strings to get into Princess Diana's education building.You were in a more civilian outfit as you noticed the weird attire most of the mortals were wearing and you didn't want to stand out.”Where in Pandora's box is the building!”You mumble to yourself walking the halls.As you were walking you heard the familiar voice of the princess.You imminently hid as you took notice of the group she was with.None of them seemed amazon warrior worthy put you knew better then to judge anyone who was around royalty.”Hey dweeb your blocking the path!”You looked back and was met with a rather large mortal with red hair.You clear your throat “Go around me mortal.”You turned back to see what Diana was doing.”Excuse me!”You heard her approaching you and as soon as she went to grab you,you imminently jumped out of the way kicking her back in the process.You weren’t strong in hand to hand combat but sneak attacks and movements you definitely were.”That was highly disappointing I thought you would be a warrior.”You turned back to see eyes on you including Dianas and her groups.You notice the group coming your way you imminently made your way away not wanting to be spotted this easily.(Timeskip) It has been about a week and you have sent multiply letters to the Queen about Diana and her group,training,and all around how she's been.You’ve noticed her or her group looking at you from time to time but you disappear before they could approach you.Here you were sitting in what the mortals call a cafeteria where you called it a dining hall.You heard footsteps approaching you were about to get up when you felt a hand grab your arm.You imminently swept the feet of the unknown person.You immediately look to see Princess Diana!Your eyes widen and you immediately knelt beside her “Princess!”You didn’t notice her surprised expression or her groups faces.”Another Amazon?”You heard the small one squeak out.”Y/n?”You immediately froze as you heard Diana's voice and relazied you just blew your cover.

                               (Pt 1 done!)

Pt 2 soon!

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