They see you cry

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Kara.She knew she wasn’t the best at comforting.But she was going to try.She sat beside you.You pulled out your test and showed her.She told you that you  made a 80 that isn’t failing and made higher then half of the class.She’ll just praise you for almost everything you have ever done.She's not the best but she tries.

Diana:When she sees you cry she doesn't know what to do.Those kind of emotions are new to her.But she’ll try her best by encouraging you and praising you for things you’ve done wrong.

Babs:When you are even the tiniest bit upset she prepares everything.She get you your favorite snacks,movies,and a bunch of cuddle.She’ll try everything to cheer you up.

Karen:Well at first she would freak out so she would be awkward trying to comfort you.But she would really try her best.She’ll try changing the subject and talking about things you guys could do.

Jessica:Everyone knows you're not keen on showing emotions.So when she sees you crying she knows something is really wrong.She’ll probably be the most calm about it.And talk you through how to deal with your emotions the healthy way and just help you maintain your anger.

Zee:If she sees you cry she will be right next to you.She’ll spoil you by buying things she knows you love but are too afraid to ask for.And if it was someone who made you cry they are in huge trouble.

Selina:She knows you hate showing emotions.So when she sees you upset she’ll try and talk to you about a scheme.She’ll steal stuff that she knows you’ll enjoy and she just be more touchy so you feel comforted.

Pam:You're a very happy person.So if you cry in front of her she might have a little heart attack.But she’ll calm herself down and try her hardest.She’ll be awkward at first but she’ll just listen to your troubles.Then give you a flower.

Harlynn:When you cry she's like your own personally instant happines.As soon as you seem even slightly upset she’s there.Either hugging you or distracting you.She just trying to get you to smile.

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